At Jones Day, you will see lawyers from diverse backgrounds leading client engagements, practice groups, and offices around the world. This reality reflects not only a long-standing Firm commitment to diversity but, more profoundly, a recognition that a broad, diverse group of lawyers is important to our Firm culture and meets the needs of our clients in a diverse world. We share this commitment with our clients and undertake this responsibility with them.
We aggressively pursue hiring, retaining, and developing lawyers from historically underrepresented groups and backgrounds. This approach is not box-checking or something that we do in addition to our normal work. It is integral to all of it, from recruiting and hiring to staffing, mentoring, and advancing each lawyer. By mentoring and promoting women, people of all races and backgrounds, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and people with disabilities, we tap the unique strengths and experiences of very talented lawyers. For more insights into Diversity at Jones Day, listen to our "Perspectives and Pathways" podcast available below.
Our tools to advance diversity are both general and specific, including Firmwide committees to implement our diversity efforts in each office and practice, affinity groups for specific populations, training and support for pipeline programs, and a Diversity Conference for first-year law students.
JONES DAY TALKS®: Exploring Law Firm Opportunities as a First Generation Law Student
JONES DAY TALKS®: Perspectives and pathways: Choosing a Firm That's Right for You
Substantive Work Early On
Invest in your Career
Invest in Your Career
Featured News
One Firm Worldwide
- Singular Tradition of Client Service and Engagement with the Client
- Mutual Commitment of, and Seamless Collaboration by, a True Partnership
- Formidable Legal Talent Across Specialties and Jurisdictions
- Shared Professional Values Focused on Addressing Client Needs

Firmwide Diversity, Inclusion and Advancement Committee
The members of the Firmwide Diversity, Inclusion and Advancement Committee (DIAC) reflect the diversity of the Firm by race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, practice area and geographic location. They talk quarterly to exchange information and to develop priorities and strategies for accomplishing Firm-sponsored goals relating to diversity and inclusion. Additionally, diversity committees in many local offices collaborate with offices and practice groups in addressing diversity priorities. Information about the chairs of our office-level diversity committees may be found here.
Beyond our Firm, Jones Day remains equally dedicated to growing diversity throughout the legal profession and is honored to support the following organizations as a national sponsor or partner:
- Lambda Legal, the oldest LGBT civil rights organization in the country.
- The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity, an organization working to build a more open and diverse legal profession.
- The SEO Law Fellowship Program, which identifies, trains and develops talented diverse law students for summer internships at the nation’s premier law firms in order to increase the recruiting pipeline of attorneys entering such firms.
You have talent, ambition, and energy?
Good. Jones Day has opportunities.
Jones Day also has 40 offices on five continents, with lawyers able to advise and effectively represent clients on nearly any legal challenge confronting the modern, multinational corporation.
Established practice areas like Antitrust, M&A, and Tax, work seamlessly with newer practices like Cybersecurity, Health Care, and Energy. Just as important to you and your development, the Firm remains committed to its position as a thought leader in the legal services industry, eagerly meeting the challenge of properly interpreting and applying the law across new jurisdictions, as well as to emerging business processes and technologies, including blockchain, artificial intelligence, robotics, self-driving vehicles, and others.
Jones Day's global reach, wide range of practice areas, and focus on the most dynamic areas of the law can translate to tremendous opportunities for you, even early in your career. Often it just requires your asking to be part of a team involved in complex litigation, a major transaction, or a high-stakes regulatory matter.
Jones Day also presents opportunities to assist others. The Firm routinely devotes more than 100,000 lawyer hours annually to pro bono work. Your pro bono commitment could involve a very large, intricate matter, or the representation of a single individual in a local court or tribunal. Jones Day's head of pro bono work is based in Washington, and each of the Firm's offices has a designated partner in charge of pro bono.
A Culture of Collaboration
Partner Bethany Biesenthal explains how Jones Day's culture of collaboration and teamwork benefits both clients and the Firm's lawyers.
One Firm Worldwide
- Singular Tradition of Client Service and Engagement with the Client
- Mutual Commitment of, and Seamless Collaboration by, a True Partnership
- Formidable Legal Talent Across Specialties and Jurisdictions
- Shared Professional Values Focused on Addressing Client Needs

Our affinity programs are united by a COMMON THREAD of fostering inclusivity and building an environment where every individual feels valued and supported. The groups serve as a platform for employees to connect, share experiences, and celebrate diversity within our organization. The affinity program has the full backing and support of the Firm and membership is open to all.
Featured News
One Firm Worldwide
- Singular Tradition of Client Service and Engagement with the Client
- Mutual Commitment of, and Seamless Collaboration by, a True Partnership
- Formidable Legal Talent Across Specialties and Jurisdictions
- Shared Professional Values Focused on Addressing Client Needs

The application period for this conference has closed.
Diversity Conference for 1Ls
Launched in 2016, Jones Day’s annual Diversity Conference for 1Ls brings together Jones Day lawyers, Firm clients, and first-year law students for a day of networking and leadership and lawyering skills discussions and training. There are many different pathways to success; our goal is to help you find yours. This interactive conference will provide sessions on negotiations training and persuasive brief writing with practical advice and skills from Jones Day lawyers. Other topics include:
- How to network successfully and build long term relationships.
- Diversity and inclusion in the legal profession - Can I bring my authentic self to work?
- Judicial Clerkships.
- Integrating Pro Bono into your practice.
Participants will build a network that includes students from other law schools and Jones Day lawyers.

Selection Process
Applications must include a diversity statement, a resume, and a transcript. Applications will be evaluated by a panel of Jones Day lawyers. The following criteria will be considered:
- Academic and leadership achievements.
- Obstacles, challenges, or other factors encountered in advancing career objectives.
- Life experiences that have shaped values and goals.
Travel and related expenses for the students selected to attend will be covered by the Firm.
Perspectives and Pathways 1L Diversity Conference
Jones Day hosted our annual 1L Diversity Conference, on Friday & Saturday, April 5-6, 2024, in Atlanta
More than 60 first-year students from 34 law schools attended Jones Day's Perspectives and Pathways 1L Diversity Conference at the Atlanta Office, April 5th and 6th. This year marked the seventh time the Firm held the annual event, with 18 Jones Day partners and associates leading the attendees through a series of presentations, workshops, and mentoring sessions. Professional development presentations included "Navigating Law Firm Life," and "Networking/Relationships," while instructional sessions featured "Writing Tips," "Oral Advocacy," and "Negotiations Training." Yvette McGee Brown, Partner-in-Charge of Diversity, Inclusion & Advancement, welcomed the attendees with opening remarks during the Friday evening kickoff reception. Additional Jones Day lawyers presenting during the weekend included Kevyn Orr, Partner-in-Charge U.S. Offices, Sharyl Reisman, Firmwide Hiring Partner, Shirlethia Franklin, Partner and New Lawyers Group Leader, and Zachary Brecheisen, Partner and co-chair of the Firm's LGBTQ+ Affinity Group, among others. The weekend provided a unique opportunity for law students to spend time learning from and engaging with law firm leaders. One attendee wrote in a thank you email, "The conference exceeded my expectations. Each speaker's message was well crafted and persuasively presented. It is easy to see why Jones Day is a leader: Its people are a rare breed, a group of talented, smart, and down-to-earth attorneys who exemplify the best values of our profession. I came back to my studies with a renewed zeal and enthusiasm."

Featured News
Visit our Diversity site for more information about the "Perspectives and Pathways" our 1L Diversity Conference and diversity at Jones Day.