

Quick Reference Guide: Compulsory Patent Licensing During COVID-19 Crisis

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the economic impact of lock-down or shelter-in-place orders create new risks every day.  One risk to pharmaceutical, life sciences, and other health care technology companies as research on COVID-19 treatments and vaccines progress is the risk that the patents related to those treatments and vaccines may be suspended or involuntarily licensed to governments and even competitors.  Assessing these risks, the impact that compulsory licensing may have on investments in research and new product development, and the potential for compulsory licenses in key jurisdictions being granted to resulting intellectual property rights, is essential to any business strategy for companies developing technology related to COVID-19.

To assist you in considering these issues, we have prepared a brief summary of the laws and regulations directed to patent suspension and compulsory licensing in key jurisdictions around the globe.  The information below is intended to provide an overview of the issues that may arise as governments continue to search for ways to address COVID-19.

Read the full White Paper.

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