
Brazil Data Protection


In Short:

The Development: On July 8, 2019, Brazil enacted Law No. 13,853/19 outlining the final version of its General Data Protection Law.

The Purpose: The final bill introduces some important changes to the regulations established in the original version such as the creation of the enforcement authority.

Looking Ahead: The new law will take effect in August 2020. Brazil's new data-protection agency is expected to become operational in October 2019.

2019年7月8日、ブラジルの一般データ保護法(Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais)(以下「LGPD」といいます。)の最終法案が承認されました。

LGPDの最終法案においては、データ保護規制の監督を担う政府機関である国立データ保護機関(Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados)(以下「ANPD」といいます。)が創設されました。この点は、ブラジルにおいてこれまでのデータ保護の枠組みに欠けていた機能を追加する重要な改正であるといえます。








本コメンタリーは、ブラジルにおける事業活動に関心を有する日本企業にとって有用な情報ですので、紹介する次第です。詳細は、Jones Day Commentary “Companies Are Now Getting Ready for Brazil's New Data Protection Law”(オリジナル(英語)版)をご参照下さい。また、併せて、LGPDの適用範囲や主要な義務について説明した、Jones Day Commentary “Brazil Enacts General Data Protection Law” (オリジナル(英語)版)もご参照下さい。


  1. Companies now must prepare for compliance with the LGPD by August 2020.
  2. Companies processing Sensitive Health Data may now share this data when needed for the provision of services facilitating its processing.
  3. The ANPD will oversee and enforce the data protection regulations, and decide on which sanctions shall apply to violation of the LGPD.
  4. As a first resort before initiating enforcement proceedings, the ANPD may offer controllers and processors to enter into an agreement by which a commitment is reached to correct any irregularities found in connection with the law.
  5. Companies must notify instances of a personal data breach to the ANPD within a "reasonable time."

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