The Climate Report - Fourth Quarter 2020
Climate Change Regulatory Issues & Updates
European Commission Announces 2030 Climate Target Plan
The plan aims to put the European Union on a balanced pathway to reaching climate neutrality by 2050.
California Governor Issues Executive Order Requiring Transition to 100% Zero-Emission Vehicle Sales
New statewide goals are set for phasing out gasoline-powered cars and trucks in California.
Climate Change Litigation Issues & Updates
Class Action Suit Filed in Australia Opposes Coal Expansion Project on Behalf of Global Youth
A law suit filed by the law firm Equity Generation Lawyers on behalf of young people globally seeks an injunction to restrain the Australian Government's Minister for the Environment from giving approval to construct an open-cut coal mine and associated on-site infrastructure near Gunnedah, New South Wales.
Climate Change Transactional Issues & Updates
Range Resources Announces Goal of Net-Zero Direct Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2025
The natural gas company's 2020 Corporate Sustainability Report underscores a commitment to long-term, sustainable natural gas production while continuously reducing emissions, including those commonly associated with climate change.
Industrial Decarbonization as a Key Element of French Government's Recovery Plan
France's Recovery Plan to address the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic includes measures in favor of the decarbonization of industry, which currently represents 20% of annual greenhouse gas emissions in France.
Another Record Wildfire Season: Check Your CGL Policy
As insurance issues surrounding wildfires continue to evolve, commercial general liability policy holders should look to their coverage counsel and brokers to make sure that wildfire exclusions, if they can't be avoided, are both clear and limited.