The Climate Report
The Climate Report is a periodic newsletter that examines some of the topics affecting the field of climate change.
In this issue:
U.S. Regulatory Developments
"Proposed Carbon Regulations for New Sources Continue to Meet Resistance"
"EPA Finalizes Rule on Carbon Capture and Sequestration Requirements"
"Implementation of California's Program to Address Climate Change"
Climate Change Issues for Management
"Shareholder Resolutions Address Climate Change"
"Part One of Global Initiative for Sustainability Ratings Now Completed"
Renewable Energy and Carbon Markets
"California's New Energy Storage Mandate"
Climate Change Litigation
"Supreme Court to Address Challenge to EPA's Regulation of Greenhouse Gases from Stationary Sources under the Clean Air Act"
"Lawsuit Challenges Approval of TMDLs for Failure to Consider Climate Change"
Climate Change Regulation Beyond the U.S.
"On the Road to EU Carbon Allowance Back-Loading"
"EU Proposes 40 Percent Cut in Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2030"
"China to 'Rate' Environmental Protection Efforts"