
The Climate Report

The Climate Report is a periodic newsletter that examines some of the topics affecting the field of climate change.

In this issue:

U.S. Regulatory Developments

"U.S. EPA Extends Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting Deadline"
"Members of Congress Seek to Limit U.S. EPA's Greenhouse Gas Authority"
"California Court Enjoins State Cap and Trade Program for Greenhouse Gas Emissions"
"FERC Issues Final Demand Response Rule"

Climate Change Issues for Management

"Access to Rare Earth Materials Presents a Growing Threat to 'Green' Supply Chains"
"CERES Claims SEC Guidance Has Had Limited Impact on Climate Change Disclosures"
"Report on the Implications of Climate Change on Investments"

Carbon Market Transactions

"Thefts of EU Allowances Illustrate Legal Risks and Consequences of the Carbon Market"
"Renewable Energy Project Developers Rush to Qualify Projects for 30 Percent Cash Grant"

Climate Change Litigation

"EPA Expansion of E15 Waiver Vehicles Draws Additional Legal Challenges"
"Supreme Court Hears Oral Argument in Greenhouse Gas Nuisance Case"

Climate Change Regulation Beyond the U.S.

"EU Adopts Rules for Auctioning Greenhouse Gas Emission Allowances"
"UK's Department for Energy and Climate Change Publishes Draft 'Carbon Plan'"

View the newsletter here.