In Short
The Development: Antitrust authorities in the United States and European Union have assessed penalties and fines against Canon, and in the United States, Toshiba, for structuring a transaction to avoid premerger notification filings and the waiting period requirements.
The Result: If the European Commission's decision stands, Canon will pay more than $34 million in fines and penalties related to the transaction in the European Union, United States, and China. Toshiba will pay just $2.5 million in the United States.
Looking Ahead: Antitrust authorities around the world enforce their merger control statutes and waiting period requirements aggressively. Penalties for gun jumping (either failing to file or observe standstill obligations) are likely to grow as more jurisdictions enact premerger filing and standstill obligations, and transactions have an increasingly global dimension.
Three Key Takeaways
- As noted in our April 2019 Global Merger Control Update, fines for gun jumping are on the rise globally, and this is the latest example. This case also demonstrates how an antitrust investigation in one jurisdiction can spread globally.
- Cases involving a device for HSR avoidance in the United States are rare. A transaction structure designed to avoid an HSR filing, even temporarily, is likely to result in significant fines. Companies should select a transaction structure on the merits, independent of whether it leads to an HSR filing.
- While both buyers and sellers make HSR filings in the United States, in the European Union (and China), only the party acquiring control makes a filing. This explains why the European Union and China fined only Canon. As the buyer, Canon will pay substantial fines in the European Union (approximately $31.8 million) for agreeing to a transaction structure that accommodated Toshiba's need to receive the transaction proceeds early. Toshiba faces no fine in the European Union or China and a $2.5 million fine in the United States.
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