
The Climate Report

The Climate Report is a periodic newsletter that examines some of the topics affecting the field of climate change.

In this issue:


"In 2010, Climate Change Strategy Shifted from Comprehensive to Piecemeal"

U.S. Regulatory Developments

"California Adopts First Mandatory, Economy-Wide Cap and Trade Program"
"FERC Seeks Comment on Proposals to Improve Wind and Solar Interconnectivity"
"U.S. EPA Proposes Greenhouse Gas Permitting Guidance"
"FERC Clarifies Ruling on California's CHP Regulations"

Climate Change Issues for Management

"S&P Aims to Add Climate Change Risk Analysis to Credit Rating Process"
"2010 Carbon Disclosure Project Report Finds that S&P 500 Lags Global 500 in Carbon Performance"
"Ceres Report Asserts Water Scarcity Is a 'Hidden' Risk for Utility Bond Investors"
"U.S. EPA Eliminating Voluntary 'Climate Leaders' Program"

Carbon Market Transactions

"European Union Emissions Trading Scheme Challenged by Airlines"
"California Poised to Embrace Tradable Renewable Energy Credits"

Tools for the Carbon Market

"U.S. EPA Delays Obligation to Report Potentially Sensitive Greenhouse Gas Data"
"U.S. EPA Adds Requirements for Carbon Sequestration Facilities"
"Market for Carbon Allowances Remains Anemic"
"U.S. EPA to Clarify the Status of Biomass Energy"

Climate Change Litigation

"Supreme Court Will Hear Appeal Addressing Use of Public Nuisance Suits Against Greenhouse Gas Emitters"
"Industry Challenges U.S. EPA's Partial Clean Air Act Waiver for E15 Gasoline"
"Texas Challenges U.S. EPA's Withdrawal of Greenhouse Gas Permitting Authority"

Climate Change Regulation Beyond the U.S.

"U.N. Talks in Cancun Mark Steps Toward Global Emissions Limitations or Reduction Targets, But Many Issues Remain"
"China Provides Opportunities to Generate Carbon Credits Via the CDM Process"

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