Sixth Annual Latin American Privacy and Cybersecurity Symposium
Hilton Santa Fe
Antonio Dovali Jaime 70
Santa Fe, Zedec Sta Fé
Álvaro Obregón
01219 Ciudad de México
April 25, 2023
12:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
April 26, 2023
7:30 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Jones Day, together with key partners, is pleased to invite you to the sixth edition of the Latin American Privacy and Cybersecurity Symposium in Mexico City.
This two-day, in-person conference will offer engaging discussions led by Jones Day partners from Mexico City and other Firm offices. Recent trends and regulatory developments in cybersecurity, data protection, data privacy, and crypto asset management in Latin America will be addressed. This is an opportunity to hear presentations by business leaders from companies at the forefront of the cybersecurity and data protection industry and to receive updates from government authorities; most of the sessions will be conducted in English. The agenda will include such topics as the following:
- The Mexican Cybersecurity Regulation Initiative;
- FTX Crypto Exchange Under the Radar: Liability and Regulatory Challenges;
- The Latin American Perspective on the Metaverse;
- Rethinking Web3: The Future of Fintech, Tokenization, and Smart Contracts; and
- Latin America's Regulatory/Enforcement Update on Personal Data.
The agenda is available here. If you would like further information, kindly contact us at mexicocityoffice@jonesday.com.