
Sócio Responsável pelo Escritório de São Paulo,

São Paulo + 55.11.3018.3939

A área de atuação de Luis Riesgo tem como enfoque principalmente operações de fusões e aquisições transnacionais. Sua experiência se estende até a criação de joint ventures, alianças estratégicas, acordos comerciais e industriais de relevância, e projetos estratégicos de terceirização, na América Latina e na Espanha. Sua prática transnacional abrange uma vasta gama de indústrias, incluindo a aeroespacial, automotiva, de energia e energia renovável, infra-estrutura, mídia de Internet e telecomunicações.V

Luis é sócio responsável pela região da América Latina/Miami, supervisionando os escritórios de São Paulo, Cidade do México e Miami, e as práticas na região. Ele também é sócio responsável pelo escritório de São Paulo.

Luis atuou como advogado responsável por uma ampla variedade de operações estratégicas de alto nível, incluindo: a aquisição da Amena pela Orange por $ 7.7 bilhões, e a venda da Orange Dominicana, sua subsidiária na República Dominicana, por $ 1.4 bilhões, bem como o acordo entre a Gás Natural Fenosa e a Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais (CEMIG), uma empresa brasileira de energia elétrica listada na bolsa de valores, para constituir a Gás Natural do Brasil, uma plataforma para a consolidação dos ativos e investimentos em projetos de gás natural no mercado brasileiro.V

Dentre os clientes com os quais Luis trabalhou em questões de relevância destacam-se a Chevron, Electricité de France, Endesa, Exide, Nextel Communications, Riverside, Santander, Schneider Electric e Schibsted.


  • Red Arbor, with the support of Vitruvian Partners, acquires the employment sites Catho and OCCJones Day advised Red Arbor Holding, S.L. in the acquisition by Vitruvian of a minority stake in Red Arbor and the concurrent acquisition by Red Arbor of OCC Mexico and Catho from SEEK Limited.
  • Orange and Masmovil combine in €18.6 billion mergerJones Day advised Orange, S.A. ("Orange"), one of the world's leading telecommunications operators, on the combination of their telecom business in Spain with Masmovil, one of the leading telecommunications operators in Spain, for an enterprise value of €18.6 billion (€7.8 billion for Orange Spain and €10.9 billion for Masmovil).
  • Ansys acquires leading particle dynamics simulation software RockyJones Day advised Ansys, Inc. in the acquisition of Engineering Simulation and Scientific Software Rocky DEM, S.L., a leading provider of particular dynamics simulation software with developers in Brazil, Spain, and the United States.
  • Uniphore acquires Emotion Research Labs, S.L.Jones Day represented Uniphore Technologies Inc., an early leader in Conversational Service Automation (CSA), in its acquisition of Emotion Research Labs, S.L., a leading software developer that uses AI and machine learning, to identify emotion and engagement levels in real-time over video-based interactions.
  • Whisbi receives €5 million investment from Cipio PartnersJones Day advised Whisbi in connection with the €5 million investment in Whisbi by Cipio Partners, a private equity fund.
  • Softonic sells 34% stake to U.S. investor Michael Levit and German group EyeoJones Day advised the shareholders of Softonic International S.A. in the sale of a 34% stake to the U.S. investor Michael Levit and German multinational Eyeo.
  • Whisbi Technologies obtains term loan facility and negotiates Share Option AgreementJones Day represented Whisbi Technologies, S.L. in connection with a term loan facility agreement provided by Columbia Lake Partners Growth Lending I (Luxco), S.à.r.l. and negotiation of a Share Option Agreement by virtue of which the shareholders of Whisbi granted a share option right and an equity investment right to Columbia Lake Partners, in connection with the financing granted by them to Whisbi.
  • Pegasus Capital Advisors sells Pure Biofuels del Peru to Valero EnergyJones Day represented Pure Biofuels del Peru S.A.C. in its sale by Pegasus Capital Advisors L.P. to Valero Energy Corporation.
  • Schibsted sells Grupo 20 MinutosJones Day advised Schibsted ASA in the sale of the business of Spanish subsidiary Grupo 20 Minutos, S.L. which is engaged in the business of publishing the free newspaper 20 Minutos both in print and online.
  • Orange successfully completes $4.4 billion tender offer for JazztelJones Day advised Orange SA, a leading global telecommunications company, in connection with the €3.4 billion (US$4.4 billion) friendly tender cash offer at €13 ($16) a share for the acquisition of Jazztel, a listed Spanish company and fourth operator in the telecoms market in Spain.
  • GNF and CEMIG create new company Gas Natural do BrasilJones Day advised Gas Natural Fenosa SDG, S.A. (GNF) in connection with its agreement with Companhia Energetica de Minas Gerais (CEMIG), the listed Brazilian electricity company, to create a new company called Gas Natural do Brasil, which will be a platform for the consolidation of assets and investments in natural gas projects in the Brazilian market.
  • Orange (France Telecom) sells Dominican Republic assets to Altice for $1.42 billion (€1.05 billion)Jones Day advised long-standing client Orange, S.A. (France Telecom), a leading global telecommunications company, in connection with the sale of 100 percent of Orange Dominicana S.A., its subsidiary in the Dominican Republic, to Altice, a multinational cable and telecommunications company, for $1.42 billion (€1.05 billion).
  • Grupo Intercom de Capital de Riesgo sold Grupo de Apartamentos Niumba, S.L. to TripAdvisor Ltd.Jones Day advised Grupo Intercom de Capital de Riesgo S.A. in the sale of Grupo de Apartamentos Niumba, S.L. to TripAdvisor Ltd.
  • Grupo Intercom de Capital de Riesgo sold Grupo de Apartamentos Niumba, S.L. to TripAdvisor Ltd.Jones Day advised Grupo Intercom de Capital de Riesgo S.A. in the sale of Grupo de Apartamentos Niumba, S.L. to TripAdvisor Ltd.
  • Partners Group invests in SoftonicJones Day advised Softonic International S.L in the merger with and into Intershare S.L., to create Softonic, a global multiplatform software guide which allows users to explore, download, and manage software applications on multiple devices in more than ten different languages.
  • Schneider Electric acquires CP EletrônicaJones Day advised Schneider Electric Industries SAS in its acquisition of CP Eletrônica S.A.
  • Whisbi Technologies sells stake to Active Venture PartnersJones Day advised Whisbi Technologies, S.L. in connection with the acquisition by Active Venture Partners of a 10% stake through a share capital increase.
  • Heilind acquires Brazilian distributor Kotek Eletro EletrônicaJones Day advised Heilind Electronics, Inc., the largest distributor of electronic interconnect products in North America, in connection with its acquisition of Kotek Eletro Eletrônica Ltda., a leading distributor of electronic components in Brazil.
  • Riverside acquires KEYMILE GroupJones Day advised The Riverside Company in connection with its acquisition and related financing of KEYMILE Group, a leading global supplier of communication solutions in the area of access and transmission systems for public and private telecommunication networks, operating networks of railway companies, energy suppliers, and other private network operators.
  • EnGrande sells controlling stake in to Palamon Capital PartnersJones Day represented EnGrande, S.L. in connection with its sale of a controlling stake in, a leading European on-line booking company, to Palamon Capital Partners, LP.
    • October 8, 2013
      Current Issues in FCPA Compliance – Meet Our Professionals From Around the World
    • October 2, 2013
      Infrastructure and Oil & Gas in Brazil: Maximizing Opportunities and Overcoming Challenges
    • July 25, 2012
      Jones Day: Global Viewpoints
    • May 2, 2012
      Global Business Essentials: Brazil
    • May 2012
      Doing Business in Emerging Markets
    • February 9, 2012
      Brazilian Companies and the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: Exploring the Reach of the FCPA
    • September 15, 2011
      Global Business Essentials: Brazil
    • May 6, 2011
      Cross-Border Business Briefing (Dallas)
    • July 23, 2009
      International Business Roundtable: Pittsburgh in the Global Economy - Doing Business in Europe, Asia, Mexico, and the Middle East