Women in IP Speaker Series: The 12 Days of Trademarks
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. EST
via Webinar
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Please join the panelists of our Women in IP Speaker Series for a year-end discussion about the major Lanham Act developments of 2024.
This program will address noteworthy developments in the USPTO, the district courts, and relevant regulatory agencies. During this "12-Day" journey, we will cover the following:
- The use of AI branding, particularly in selecting and clearing marks;
- Online enforcement best practices;
- Recent developments with NFTs and IP enforcement;
- Issues with evolving keyword search terms;
- What the new "generic" cases mean for protection and enforcement;
- Recent advertising developments, including the intersection of false patent marking and false advertising; and
- Changes to the FTC endorsement guidelines.
We hope you will be able to participate in this timely discussion.
- Meredith Wilkes, Partner, Jones Day, Cleveland
- Anna Raimer, Partner, Jones Day, Houston
- Michelle Busuito, Assistant General Counsel, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
- Megan McKeown, Associate, Jones Day, Houston
CLE credit for this program is pending. Jones Day is an approved provider in CA, GA, IL, NV, NY, PA, and TX and will apply to other jurisdictions as needed. In some jurisdictions, credit may be available via reciprocity or by self-application. For specific information about credit in your jurisdiction, please contact the CLE & Lawyer Training team at jdcle@jonesday.com.
If you have any questions, please contact Tara Veneziano at womeninip@jonesday.com.
Recording Notice: This event, including all voice, video, screen presentations, chat text, and other visible and audible elements shared by participants through the webinar service, will be recorded. At the time of joining the recorded session, you will be asked to agree to the recording before being admitted to the session. You may contact the organizer with any questions about how the recording will be used and to request information on available accommodation, if any, of your participation in the virtual session.