Women in IP Speaker Series: A View From the Top – Perspectives of Women Leaders
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EDT
Via Webinar
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Effective communication is the cornerstone of a lawyer's professional responsibility. Whether communicating in the courtroom, in the boardroom, or at the negotiating table, persuasion is part of that art. Understanding how others communicate – and how they perceive and retain information – helps all lawyers message effectively and improve the legal profession as a whole.
In this CLE program, we will hear from skilled practitioners who will discuss the different types of communication they use and will share tips and best practices for conveying information to clients, opposing counsel, and the courts.
Additionally, the panel will feature executive coach Stephanie Silverman, who will explain the science behind different communication styles and provide customized tools and techniques for enabling effective communication. Stephanie will discuss the characteristics of the various styles and how those characteristics may evolve under stress, and she will share tips for working successfully with those of differing styles, so as to assist all lawyers in furthering their own legal practices.
We hope you will be able to join us for this informative event.
- Stephanie Silverman - Executive Coach, Silverman Executive Consulting
- Lisa Furby - Partner, Intellectual Property
- Jennifer Swize - Partner, Issues & Appeals
- Stephanie Mishaga - Associate, Intellectual Property
For more information, kindly contact us at womeninip@jonesday.com.
Jones Day's Women in IP Initiative addresses the underrepresentation of women in IP law through programming, networking, mentoring, and a dynamic speaker series.
CLE credit for this program is pending. Jones Day is an approved provider in California, Georgia, Illinois, Nevada, New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas and will apply to other jurisdictions as needed. In some jurisdictions, credit may be available via reciprocity or by self-application. If you have specific questions about credit in your jurisdiction, please contact the CLE & Lawyer Training team.
Recording Notice: This event, including all voice, video, screen presentations, chat text, and other visible and audible elements shared by participants through the webinar service, will be recorded. At the time of joining the recorded session, you will be asked to agree to the recording before being admitted to the session. You may contact the organizer with any questions about how the recording will be used and to request information on available accommodation, if any, of your participation in the virtual session.