Jones Day lawyers write lead article in the Spring 2016 edition of Issues in Aviation Law and Policy
John D. Goetz and Sarah L. Thompson, a partner and an associate in the Jones Day Pittsburgh Office, wrote the lead article "The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Its Effect on International Aviation" which was published in the Spring 2016 edition of Issues in Aviation Law and Policy. Journal articles are peer-reviewed by CEOs and other leaders of the airlines and aviation industry before they are published.
The authors discuss how the TPP’s effect on the airlines and aviation industry will be substantial, even though the Agreement does not directly alter the existing legal framework governing international air services. The authors conclude that the TPP will result in new travel routes and more airline passengers as trade increases to the Asian-Pacific market, which will also lead to the increased manufacture of aircraft and component parts. Finally, the authors discuss how the TPP will expand the means by which airlines and aviation companies can protect their investments in member countries through Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) provisions.