
The Climate Report

The Climate Report is a periodic newsletter that examines some of the topics affecting the field of climate change.

In this issue:

U.S. Regulatory Developments

"California Finalizes Greenhouse Gas 'Cap and Trade' Regulations"
"EPA Points to Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions to Support New Utility Standards"
"FERC Issues White Paper on Reliability Concerns Over Final MATS Rule"

Climate Change Issues for Management

"EPA Steps Up Enforcement to Address Fraudulent Environmental Credits"
"Investors Call for 'Investment-Grade' Climate Policy"
"Maplecroft's 'Risk Atlas' Assesses Climate Change Vulnerability"

Carbon Market Transactions

"Intermittent Generators Should Consider the Risks of Economic Curtailment When Negotiating PPAs"
"FERC Order No. 1000 Could Profoundly Affect Renewable Energy Development"

Climate Change Litigation

"Climate Change 'Public Trust' Lawsuit Transferred to D.C. Federal Court"
"Comer II: Is 'If At First You Don't Succeed, Try, Try Again' a Valid Legal Strategy?"

Climate Change Regulation Beyond the U.S.

"United Nations's Climate Change Conference in Durban Makes Incremental Progress"
"Australian Senate Approves Carbon Pricing Scheme"
"France Outlaws 'Fracking'"

View the newsletter here.