Andreas Holzwarth-Rochford has practiced intellectual property law for nearly 20 years and has prosecuted numerous IP applications (utility patents, utility models, and designs) and pled in numerous litigation hearings in the areas of physics and mechanical and electrical engineering. Andreas has significant technical experience in optics, laser technology, software-implemented inventions, especially artificial intelligence and blockchain applications, wireless data communications, network engineering and (optical) semiconductor technology, medical devices, digital health applications, and filter technology.
In addition to advising on the prosecution and enforcement of patent rights, Andreas supports M&A deals regarding IP due diligence, including freedom to operate (FTO) analysis. He also advises on the economic enhancement of R&D departments, especially regarding efficient patent document surveillance and service invention reporting systems, and supports clients in their efforts to find avoidance solutions for third-party rights. Andreas represents automotive suppliers, leading medical and optical device companies, and aircraft component producers. In addition, he provides counsel to start-up companies on the establishment of patent portfolios and strategies.
Andreas has been elected as a delegate of the Federal Association of German Patent Attorneys (Bundesverband Deutscher Patentanwälte e.V) since January 2013. He is also a member of the European Practice Committee of the Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO), the GRUR, the VPP, the LES, the Federal Association of German Patent Attorneys, the European Patent Litigators Association (EPLIT), the Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (epi), and the Interdisciplinary Center for IP of the University of Mannheim. He is a liaison judge at the local court of his hometown.
- August 2020
Author of chapter "Blockchain and Intellectual Property", Handbook of Blockchain Law: A Guide to Understanding and Resolving the Legal Challenges of Blockchain Technology, 1st edition - July 2020
Patenting of AI at the EPO and the Protection of AI Aspects Under Trade Secret Law, JUVE Patent Interview
- November 30, 2021
New EU Proposal to Regulate AI — A "GDPR" for AI Setting a Global Standard? - December 17, 2020
Introduction to Legal Aspects of AI (Artificial Intelligence) - November 18, 2020
AI and the Protection of Intellectual Property - May 9, 2019
Protecting Inventions in China, Europe and the U.S. alongside senior in-house counsel from Microsoft and the Alibaba Group - April 5, 2019
DAJV Workshop on the protection of Blockchain inventions - March 10, 2019
2nd EU India Conference on advanced biofuels - October 23, 2018
Update to Guidelines for Examination at the EPO relating to AI and Machine Learning - June 12, 2018
Considerations for drafting U.S. patent applications for EP conformity in electrical, mechanical and software technologies, and in pharma and life sciences technologies - March 6, 2018
EU-India conference on Advanced Bio Fuels - February 25, 2017
The Unitary Patent and the Unified Patent Court - October 27, 2016
Cross-border IP litigation in the US and Europe: Strategic options for validity and infringement, VPP half-day seminar - February 24, 2016
The Unitary Patent and the Unified Patent Court - 20. Juni 2013
America Invents Act (AIA) – Das reformierte US-Patentrecht aus Sicht des deutschen/europäischen Praktikers - June 13, 2013
The European Unitary Patent System – A variety of new options and how non-EU applicants can and should use them - June 10, 2013
Europe's New Unitary Patent and Unfied Patent Court: Challenging Patents Under the New European Patent System - April 2013
The European Unitary Patent System – A variety of new options and how non-EU applicants can and should use them - October 10, 2012
A New World (Patent) Order – How the US Patent Reform Act (AIA) Compares with European Patent Regulations - 4. Oktober 2012
JDialog: Patente – Quo Vadis? - August 7, 2012
A New World (Patent) Order - How the U.S. Patent Reform Act (AIA) Compares with European Patent Regulations, Jones Day IP Roundtable - October 19, 2011
Impacts of AIA on patent prosecution and patent litigation practice for a European based Company, Frankfurt Inhouse seminar - October 19, 2011
Similarities and differences between AIA rules/procedures and European regulations/procedures, Frankfurt Inhouse seminar - Januar 27, 2011
Protecting and Exploiting Your IP Rights in Europed, Transatlantic Seminar - October 2010 - November 2010
Extending patent applications to Europe-What to think about when drafting an EU-foreign first application and prosecuting an European application - July 6 – 11, 2009
Design Protection – the European Aspect, Training Course: Obtaining, Enforcing and Evaluating Intellectual Property Rights in Europe - October 29, 2008
Das Arbeitnehmererfindergesetz in der betrieblichen Praxis, Das Arbeitnehmererfindergesetz in Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen, Auswirkung auf die Gestaltung von Kooperationsverträgen, Arbeitskreis "Patentrecht" der IHK Gießen-Friedberg
- European Qualification Exam (2005); German Patent Bar Exam (2004); Internship with the German Patent and Trademark Office and the Federal Patent Court (2003-2004); Internship at the District Court of Düsseldorf (2003); Patent attorney candidate at Boehmert & Boehmert (2000-2003); Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule (Technical University) Aachen (Diploma in Physics 2000); Institute of Semiconductor Electronics (1999-2000); Internship at Dornier MedizinLaser GmbH (1999); Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT (1997-1999)
- Unified Patent Court (UPC), European Patent Office (EPO), German Patent and Trademark Office (GPTO), German Federal Patent Court (BPatG), German Federal Supreme Court (BGH) in nullity appeal proceedings, German Federal Office for Plant Varieties (BSA), International Bureau of WIPO (IB), and Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM, European Community Trademarks and Designs)
- English, German