Combatting Global Human Trafficking Legal Webinar
April 18, 2024, 12:00 noon – 1:15 pm, CDT
This training session covers the current status of human trafficking in the United States and internationally, relevant legal issues in anti-trafficking initiatives, and research on global human trafficking laws, relevant treaties, and policies.
Speaker: Annamarie Daley, Of Counsel, Jones Day
CLE Information: This program has been approved for 1.00 hour of general credit by the State Bar of California and 1.00 hour of areas of professional practice credit (including transitional credit) by the New York State CLE Board. Jones Day is a State Bar of California MCLE approved provider, as well as an accredited provider in New York. No credit will be issued for Minnesota in accordance with Minnesota CLE Board Rule 5.B. Pennsylvania credit is not available for this program. Application for CLE credit in other states will be made as needed, subject to state CLE regulations.
To register or for further information, please contact Deborah Simmons at deborahsimmons@jonesday.com.