Change Is Coming (Maybe): Reviewing the AIA Reviews and 101 Clarity, PTAB Litigation Blog
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On April 18, 2018, the Director of the USPTO Andrei Iancu informed the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee that he aims to propose changes to America Invents Act reviews by this summer 2018. The Director told the Committee that the Office is in the process of undertaking a complete review of the AIA review system, and that the scope of the Office’s review is "the entire proceeding, beginning to end." The Director explained his intent to "make sure that we have a balanced system," noting that there are "strong opinions" in the camps of supports and critics of AIA reviews. Thus, practitioners and interested parties can expect to see the Office’s proposals sometime this summer, and should be prepared to comment on the Office’s proposals as they are released.
Read the full article at ptablitigationblog.com.