- 洛杉矶分所为客户提供的诉讼服务屡获殊荣,旗下数十名庭审律师在复杂商业纠纷、反垄断、知识产权、政府调查、产品责任和有毒物质侵权、集体诉讼、建筑、保险赔偿、劳动与雇佣等领域具有丰富经验。
- 洛杉矶分所上诉业务团队中的多名律师都曾拥有在美国联邦最高法院和联邦第九巡回上诉法院担任法官助理的工作经验。
- 洛杉矶分所拥有多名获全国认可的执业律师,曾代表诸多作为公司债务人和债权人的基金客户处理备受关注的破产和重组案件。
- 洛杉矶分所可在医疗保健与生命科学、员工福利和高管薪酬以及网络安全、隐私和数据保护等众多领域为客户提供法律服务。
- 众达律师结合其掌握的行业专业知识,尤其是消费品、能源、金融、制造、建筑/基础设施、零售、技术、生命科学和医疗保健等行业的知识,为客户提供优质的法律服务。
- 我们亦一直致力于服务整个大洛杉矶社区,包括提供一系列公益法律工作,以及在儿童局和兰德民事司法研究所等众多组织的董事会担任职务。
Celebrating 50 Years in Los Angeles
Bold. Disruptive. Transformational.
Fifty years ago, Jones Day recognized that building a truly national firm was the most effective way to meet the needs of a rapidly growing client base. In this short video, current and former Jones Day partners talk about how the successful expansion to Los Angeles in 1973, viewed as bold, disruptive, and transformational at the time, helped establish the template for the collaborative One Firm Worldwide model that remains today.
Jones Day in Los Angeles
A Commitment to Clients, to People, and to the Community.
Los Angeles-based partners reflect on the Firm’s 50 years in Southern California, the numerous practices and services positioned to meet client needs, and why Jones Day’s success is rooted in the strength of its people.
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