Eric P. Stephens


New York + 1.212.326.3916

Eric Stephens litigates high-stakes disputes involving technical subject matter in federal and state courts. Eric serves clients in the financial, energy, pharmaceutical, medical device, consumer products, and technology industries and routinely handles disputes involving billions of dollars while protecting clients' business interests. He also has experience representing clients in arbitration, conducting internal investigations, and representing clients before national and international regulatory bodies.

Eric has litigated significant matters in the areas of antitrust, financial derivatives, construction, consumer class actions, insurance, products liability, public contracts, securities, toxic torts, trade secrets, and civil rights, among others. His pro bono efforts focus on issues of low-income housing and civil rights in and around New York City.

Prior to joining Jones Day, Eric was a mechanical engineer in the steel industry.


  • Deutsche Bank defeats class certification in interest rate swaps antitrust litigationJones Day client Deutsche Bank prevailed in its efforts to defeat class certification in the In re Interest Rate Swaps Antitrust Litigation matter in the Southern District of New York.
  • Hard Rock partners with Steve Cohen to bid for casino and entertainment complex in New YorkJones Day advised Hard Rock International in connection with its partnership with Steve Cohen, owner of the New York Mets, for a bid to secure a downstate New York gaming license.
  • Dr. Reddy's Laboratories successfully resolves antitrust claims alleging "pay-for-delay" pharmaceutical patent settlementJones Day successfully resolved antitrust class action litigation in which plaintiffs alleged that Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, Ltd. and Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, Inc. violated antitrust and related laws through the settlement of Hatch-Waxman patent litigation.
  • Conway MacKenzie acquired by RiveronJones Day advised Conway MacKenzie, Inc., a leading turnaround, restructuring, and operational improvement firm, in its sale to Riveron, a national business advisory firm specializing in accounting, finance, and operations.
  • Wells Fargo resolves derivative and putative class action claims alleging wrongdoing with respect to 272 residential mortgage-backed securities trustsJones Day successfully resolved three putative class actions filed by institutional investors in 272 residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS) trusts.
  • Medical device manufacturer obtains voluntary dismissal of product liability suit surrounding allegedly defective blood glucose meterA medical device manufacturer represented by Jones Day obtained voluntary dismissal of a product liability lawsuit in which plaintiffs claimed that a user of the manufacturer's blood glucose meter fell and fractured her arm while using the meter to monitor her diabetes.
  • GlobalFoundries wins complete victory on summary judgment and motion to exclude expertsJones Day won a complete victory on behalf of GlobalFoundries U.S., Inc. on its motions for summary judgment and to exclude plaintiff's experts regarding personal injury claims arising from an alleged exposure to chemicals in the workplace.
  • Deutsche Bank defends lawsuit alleging boycott against CDS exchangeJones Day is defending Deutsche Bank AG, New York Branch in litigation brought by Tera Group, Inc., a swap execution facility (SEF) operator, which alleges that the defendants boycotted it to prevent it from gaining traction as an exchange for credit default swap (CDS) exchanges.
  • Duchossois Group obtains dismissal of products liability lawsuit over misplaced garage door control buttonJones Day client The Duchossois Group, Inc.'s subsidiary The Chamberlain Group, Inc. obtained summary judgment in its favor in a products liability case arising from an accident in the spring of 2011 when the plaintiff sustained personal injuries while using a misplaced control button to open a motorized overhead garage door.
  • Verizon obtains injunctive relief against unlawful union activity during seven-week strikeJones Day assisted Verizon Communications, Inc. during a seven-week strike (April 13-May 31, 2016) by members of the Communications Workers of America ("CWA") by obtaining injunctive relief from courts in New York State and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and advising daily on strike misconduct and other related issues throughout the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions.
  • Deutsche Bank resolves class action lawsuit over allegations of conspiracy to stifle competition in CDS marketJones Day client Deutsche Bank AG, New York achieved a settlement agreement in an antitrust class action brought by an Ohio union pension plan claiming that Deutsche Bank and other bank defendants conspired to prevent the development of credit default swap ("CDS") exchange trading and CDS futures products in an effort to stifle competition in the CDS market, in turn allegedly raising fund managers' costs.
  • ACI Worldwide wins declaratory judgment granting all requested relief in software licensing disputeJones Day client ACI Worldwide Corp. ("ACI") won a declaratory judgment granting all of ACI's requested relief against defendant Churchill Lane Associates, LLC ("Churchill") in a case arising from a dispute between the parties concerning software licensing royalties.
  • New York inmate obtains precedential decision regarding mandatory procedural safeguards concerning solitary confinementJones Day pro bono client Mr. Wayne Hunter secured a payment of $75,000, in settlement of a lawsuit against New York City and employees of the City of New York Department of Correction in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.
  • Garmin wins Second Circuit affirmation of dismissal of $1.9 billion in breach of contract and fraud claimsJones Day client Garmin International, Inc. ("Garmin") obtained the dismissal of a multi-billion-dollar claim, as well as the plaintiffs’ payment of a confidential sum to Garmin, in settlement of a case brought by plaintiffs LightSquared, Inc., LightSquared LP; and LightSquared Subsidiary LLC (collectively, "LightSquared").
  • IBM resolves claims related to alleged exposure to toxic emissionsJones Day client International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) resolved numerous claims brought by hundreds of current and former residents of Endicott, NY alleging personal injuries, diminution in property values, and other damages related to alleged vapor intrusion and historic air emissions in the area from IBM's former manufacturing facility.
  • European bank consortium resolves litigation with project sponsor in connection with Spanish solar power plant financingJones Day successfully represented a consortium of thirteen European banks in litigation concerning the construction of two thermosolar power plants in Spain in a billion dollar dispute with the project's sponsor concerning the project financing.
  • Financial services company defeats putative nationwide consumer fraud class actionJones Day represented a financial services company in a putative nationwide consumer fraud class action.
  • Urban Assembly Academy of Government and Law ("AGL") law team prepares for the New York State High School Mock Trial TournamentAttorneys in the New York office coached the 15-member Urban Assembly Academy of Government and Law (“AGL”) law team in its preparation for the New York State High School Mock Trial Tournament.
  • Housing project team partners with Legal Aid to improve living conditions at local apartment buildingThis year for the first time Jones Day is participating in Legal Aid's Adopt-A-Building Program.
  • Lehman Brothers Holdings seeks recovery of undisclosed asset value transferred in bankruptcy sale of broker dealerJones Day represents Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. in an action to recover assets transferred to Barclays Capital Inc. when Barclays purchased the Lehman broker dealer business shortly after Lehman's bankruptcy filing in September 2008.