Hannah Rozow Owolabi provides strategic counsel to high-growth companies and their investors. She practices in the areas of venture capital transactions, mergers and acquisitions, private equity transactions, and general corporate matters. She works with emerging and established life sciences and technology companies, advising clients from formation planning through financings and exit transactions.
Hannah maintains an active pro bono practice, representing San Diego nonprofits in general governance matters.
Prior to law school, Hannah taught elementary school in Houston as a Teach For America corps member.
- Boston University (J.D. cum laude 2019; LL.M. in Banking and Financial Law 2019; Member, Boston University Review of Banking & Financial Law); Indiana University (B.A. in Economics and in Political Science 2014)
- California, Texas, and U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas
- Honors Legal Intern, U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission, Enforcement Division (Summer 2017); Member, Indiana Commission for Higher Education (2012-2014)
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