Mikaël Schinazi


Paris +

Avocat aux barreaux de Paris et de New York, Mikaël Schinazi conseille et représente des sociétés, Etats et entités étatiques dans des procédures d'arbitrage international (commercial et d'investissement), conduites sous l'égide des principaux règlements d'arbitrage ou ad hoc et portant sur des différends soumis à une grande diversité de lois applicables. Il est ainsi amené à travailler à la fois sur des problématiques de droit civil et de common law, sur les traités d’investissement et le droit international.

Mikaël Schinazi est intervenu dans plusieurs litiges complexes dans divers secteurs de l'industrie et des services (logistique et transport, sciences de la vie, mines, aviation, défense, etc.), ainsi que dans des procédures relatives à la reconnaissance et l'exécution ou l'annulation de sentences arbitrales devant des tribunaux étatiques, tant en France qu’à l'étranger.

Mikaël Schinazi a publié un ouvrage de référence, issu de sa thèse de doctorat soutenue à l'Ecole de droit de Sciences Po, sur l'élaboration du régime contemporain d'arbitrage commercial international (The Three Ages of International Commercial Arbitration, Cambridge University Press, 2021, réimp. 2024), sujet sur lequel il a également consacré plusieurs écrits et conférences. Il enseigne depuis 2017 l'histoire, la philosophie et la sociologie de l'arbitrage international à l'Ecole de droit de Sciences Po. En 2024, il a participé au « ICC Jurisprudential Debate » organisé par le ICC Institute of World Business Law.

Avant de rejoindre Jones Day, Mikaël Schinazi a exercé au sein de cabinets internationaux et européens de premier rang.


The following represents experience acquired prior to joining Jones Day.

Represented an international logistics company in an International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) arbitration in Paris brought against a State's Port Authority. The dispute arose from a concession agreement related to the management and operation of a container terminal.

Represented Dassault Aviation S.A. in an ICC arbitration brought by Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co., Ltd. The dispute arose out of an insurance policy and related to delays in the delivery of an aircraft and supplies to an Asian distributor. English law applied.

Represented pharmaceutical group Sanofi in an ICC arbitration initiated by Boehringer Ingelheim that arose out of an acquisition and concerned liability relating to third-party claims. Swiss law applied. The Tribunal fully dismissed the claims against Sanofi seeking indemnification for potential losses in connection with mass tort litigation in the United States.

Advised the majority shareholders in the former Yukos Oil Company in relation to the recognition and enforcement proceedings initiated in multiple jurisdictions for the enforcement of the US$50 billion awards rendered in the arbitrations brought by the shareholders against the Russian Federation concerning the unlawful treatment and expropriation of their investments in Yukos.

Advised a mining company affiliated to a prominent sovereign wealth fund in relation to a multibillion dollar refinery project. This engagement involved navigating complex legal issues common in mining disputes, including tax and customs regimes, reassessments of royalties, stabilization clauses, and economic equilibrium clauses.

Advised several companies on the legal consequences of the COVID-19 crisis, especially with regard to the force majeure and hardship clauses contained in various agreements.

Autres publications

Publications Prior to Jones Day

March 20, 2024

"English Court of Appeal Introduces Uncertainty as to the Scope of Commercial Anti-Assignment Provisions," Kluwer Arbitration Blog (coauthor)

"Diversity and Inclusiveness in International Arbitration," Arbitration Beyond Borders: Essays in Memory of Guillermo Aguilar Álvarez 469 (W.M. Reisman and N. Blackaby eds., Kluwer) (coauthor)

"The Stop-and-Go Rise of France's Pro-Arbitration Regime: A Play in Five Acts," 'Pro-Arbitration' Revisited: A Tribute to Professor George Bermann from his Students over the Years 407 (K. Duggal et. al. eds., Juris)

"Jalons pour une histoire contemporaine de l'arbitrage commercial international," 2022(3) Cahiers de l'Arbitrage / Paris Journal of International Arbitration 789

"Book review – T. Schultz and F. Ortino (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Arbitration," Journal du droit international – Clunet

The Three Ages of International Commercial Arbitration, Cambridge University Press

"The Three Ages of International Commercial Arbitration and the Development of the ICC Arbitration System," ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin

"Book review – P. Sands, East West Street: On the Origins of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity," Revue critique de droit international privé

"Note – A. Stone Sweet and F. Grisel, The Evolution of International Arbitration. Judicialization, Governance, Legitimacy," American Journal of Legal History

Speaking Engagements Prior to Jones Day

June 27, 2024
ICC Jurisprudential Debate, organized by the ICC Institute of World Business Law (webinar)

April 26, 2024
"Crime in Arbitral Proceedings," Paris Arbitration & Crime Conference, Sciences Po Law School
Paris, France

February 27, 2024
"Arbitration through the Ages," Queen Mary University of London (webinar)

September 29, 2023
"One Hundred Years of ICC Arbitration: How the Past Informs the Present," International Chamber of Commerce (webinar)

September 26, 2023
"The Construction of the Contemporary Regime of International Commercial Arbitration in France and England (17th-20th centuries)," Société de Législation Comparée
Paris, France

July 7, 2023
"The Changing Sociology of the International Legal Community," Paris Place de Droit
Paris, France

May 15, 2023
"Investigating the Many Lives of International Arbitration," NOVA School of Law
Lisbon, Portugal

March 27, 2023
"Building Bridges: Crafting a Blueprint for the Future of Dispute Resolution," 7th ICC European Conference
Paris, France

October 26, 2022
Third Edition of the "Rendez-vous des auteurs de l'arbitrage," Sorbonne Arbitrage
Paris, France

August 30, 2022
"Researching the Modern History and Evolution of International Commercial Arbitration," Columbia Law School
New York, NY

August 27, 2022
"The Modern History of International Commercial Arbitration," Kobe University (webinar)

April 6, 2022
Harvard International Arbitration Law Students Association (HIALSA) Book Talk, Harvard Law School (webinar)

March 1, 2022
Book Launch for The Three Ages of International Commercial Arbitration, GBS Disputes and Sciences Po Arbitration Society (webinar)

October 1, 2021
"The Twin Genealogies of International Arbitration," Oxford University (webinar)

September 13, 2019
"The ICC: One Hundred Years of Arbitration (1919–2019)," Geneva Center for International Dispute Settlement
Geneva, Switzerland