Alice Robertson assists clients with tax disputes at all stages, from initial engagement with tax authorities to litigation. She has experience across a broad range of tax matters, including corporate tax, transfer pricing, diverted profits tax, withholding tax, and general anti-avoidance rules (Part IVA).
Prior to joining Jones Day in 2025, Alice represented the government (Australian Taxation Office) in tax disputes at all levels of Australian courts and the Administrative Review Tribunal (formerly the Administrative Appeals Tribunal), including in large and complex litigation. Her background provides valuable insight, enabling her to assist clients navigate disputes with a well-informed and strategic perspective.
- University of New South Wales (currently earning a Master of Taxation with expected graduation in 2025); University of Queensland (LL.B. Hons. 2021; B.Comm. in Finance 2021)
- Supreme Court of Queensland, Federal Court of Australia, and High Court of Australia
- Served with the Australian Government Solicitor as a Tax Lawyer (2021-2025) and Paralegal (2018-2021)
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