Jones Day lawyers advise women and children seeking refuge
Client(s) Unaccompanied Children Project
Jones Day lawyers are representing mothers with children as well as unaccompanied children in well over 100 cases arising from the flood of refugees seeking refuge in the United States from violence in Central America. Over 150 lawyers from almost every U.S. office, and some international offices, are involved in this extraordinary team effort. Initially, the Firm sent teams of lawyers to military bases and detention centers to screen thousands of mothers and children at the commencement of immigration processing. Currently, our lawyers are representing individual mothers with children and unaccompanied children in cases in immigration courts and state courts throughout the country. While no longer capturing headlines, the sheer number of Central American mothers and children detained in the U.S. while awaiting resolution is mind-numbing. In support of its commitment to the rule of law, the Firm continues to deploy its lawyers and to take on new representations, all on a pro bono basis.