Truro Conservation Trust presents arguments to Supreme Judicial Court in 15 year old litigation in Truro, Massachusetts
Client(s) Truro Conservation Trust
The Truro Conservation Trust, represented by Jones Day, presented arguments in one of the oldest pending cases in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The case, filed in early 1998, involves the interpretation of an ancient deed, the construction of an easement that was never laid out, and the interaction of those elements with a modern regulatory regime. The Truro Conservation Trust urged that the SJC affirm the Land Court's determination respecting the reasonable scope of the easement, which must cross the Trust's land.
Willie J. Cater, et al. v. Anselm B. Chaplin, et al., Civil Action No. 250365 (Suffolk Land Court ); Cater v. Bednarek, et al., No. 10985 (Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court)