Cases & Deals

Custody case ends successfully

Client(s) Client X

Jones Day lawyers Alexandria Mihalcik and Mike Shumaker successfully represented Client X in seeking legal and physical custody of a six year old child in D.C. Superior Court before Judge Michael Ryan. The child, who is Client X's maternal great-nephew, was essentially abandoned by his birth mother who gave him to Client X to care for as an infant and never sought him back. Alex and Mike obtained a consent for custody from the birth mother, and following an extensive search were able to locate the birth father and obtain his consent as well. Following an evidentiary hearing, the Court determined that it would be in the best interest and welfare of the child if Client X were awarded sole legal and physical custody with reasonable rights of visitation reserved for the parents. Additionally, Alex and Mike also assisted Client X in gathering the paperwork and submitting an application for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefits to assist Client X in caring for the child. The case was taken on referral from the Children's Law Center.