Jones Day's Derivatives Markets Forum Co-Hosted With KOR Financial: CFTC Swap Reporting
Challenges, Market Color and Enforcement Trends, and Interacting With the Agency
Via Webinar
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
The latest event in this online series offered periodically for representatives of DCMs, SEFs, DCOs, and digital assets markets will feature discussions of current and upcoming reporting issues and solutions, CFTC enforcement trends, and different approaches to dealing with the CFTC outside the enforcement context. The meeting will be conducted in accordance with applicable legal obligations for participants with common interests, in a manner consistent with the First Amendment and antitrust laws.
This session will be moderated by Jill Sommers, Chair of the Derivatives Practice Group at Patomak Global Partners and a former CFTC Commissioner, and will include speakers from swap data repository KOR Financial and from Jones Day. Insights on the following topics will be provided:
- The biggest open tech spec/reporting challenges;
- Upcoming UPI changes;
- Navigating new verification requirements;
- Market color and CFTC enforcement trends; and
- Approaching the CFTC on reporting issues.
We hope you will be able to join us for this meeting of the Derivatives Markets Forum.
For more information, please contact Tara Veneziano at tveneziano@jonesday.com.
- Jill Sommers, Chair of the Derivatives Practice Group, Patomak Global Partners, and Former CFTC Commissioner
- Jonathan Thursby, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, KOR Financial
- Tara Manuel, Chief Compliance Officer and Head of Regulatory Products, KOR Financial
- Rubina Ali, Of Counsel, Financial Markets, Jones Day
- David Aron, Counsel, Financial Markets, Jones Day
This program has been approved for 1.00 hour of general credit by the State Bar of California and 1.00 hour of areas of professional practice credit (including transitional credit) by the New York State CLE Board. Jones Day is a State Bar of California MCLE approved provider, as well as an accredited provider in New York. Application for CLE credit in other states will be made as needed, subject to state CLE regulations.