Tenth Anniversary Update: Annotated Local Patent Rules for the Northern District of Illinois
Ten years ago, in an effort to create greater predictability for patent litigation in the Northern District of Illinois, the District enacted Local Patent Rules ("LPR") [1] This annotated version of the LPRs is released in honor of the 10th anniversary of the LPRs. In the 10 years since the District enacted LPRs, a substantial body of case law has been developed interpreting and applying the rules. This annotated version of the LPRs collects decisions interpreting and applying the Rules from October 1, 2009, up through September 30, 2019. After reciting each rule, we provide citations to opinions that have applied the rule, along with a relevant quote from the opinion and an explanatory heading.
We hope the annotated LPRs are a valuable resource to the judges, parties, and attorneys involved in patent litigation in the Northern District of Illinois. Of course, the LPRs and these annotations should be read in conjunction with the Northern District of Illinois Local Rules as well as any applicable rules or standing orders particular to each judge.
Although local patent rules from other jurisdictions were considered in drafting the Northern District's LPRs, the LPRs differ from other local patent rules in several important respects.
[1] On March 1, 2013, the Northern District amended the LPRs; the LPRs were further amended on October 26, 2018.