Business Restructuring Review
- The Year in Bankruptcy: 2016
- Top 10 Bankruptcies of 2016
- Legislative/Regulatory Developments of 2016
- Notable Business Bankruptcy Rulings of 2016
- From the Top
- Energy Future Holdings Loses Round Three in Fight Over Liability for Make-Whole Premiums
- Ninth Circuit Finally Abandons Entz-White: Default-Rate Interest Required to Cure and Reinstate Secured Debt Under Chapter 11 Plan
- Delaware Bankruptcy Court Rules That Lenders Are Free to Enforce Contract Rights and "Negotiate Hard" Against Distressed Borrowers at Arm’s Length
- Administrative Claim May Be Set Off Against Preference Liability
- Notable Plan and Confirmations and Exists From Bankruptcy in 2016
- Another Appellate Court Rejects Lubrizol Approach to Effect of Rejection of Trademark License in Bankruptcy
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