
Federal Circuit Panel Begrudgingly Upholds PTAB’s Claim Construction But Vacates Finding Of Obviousness On Other Grounds, <i>PTAB Litigation Blog</i>

Federal Circuit Panel Begrudgingly Upholds PTAB’s Claim Construction But Vacates Finding Of Obviousness On Other Grounds, PTAB Litigation Blog

In PPC Broadband, Inc. v. Corning Optical Commc’ns RF, LLC, 2015-1361 (Fed. Cir. Feb. 22, 2016), PPC appealed the PTAB’s decisions in four consolidated IPRs finding that each challenged claim in three patents were invalid for obviousness. The appealed IPRs were IPR2013-00340, IPR2013-00345, IPR2013-00346, and IPR2013-00347. The patents at issue—U.S. Patent Nos. 8,287,320, 8,313,060, and 8,313,353—are related and cover coaxial cable connectors with a “continuity member” that, through contact, extends electrical grounding through the post and nut of the connector to improve signal transmission.

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