Simplifying Australia’s Competition Laws, Competition & Consumer Law News
Australia's competition laws are among the most complex in the world. This subjective measure is supported by an objective measure - a simple word count. Australia's competition laws are close to 20,000 words or 74 pages, compared with the U.S. with 1,423 and the EU with 408.
Evidently a simplification is desperately needed but history needs to be preserved. Together with former ACCC Chairman, Professor Allan Fels AO, a proposal including introducing concerted practices, an effects test for abuse of dominance and replacing per se offences with competition tests is suggested reducing the word count to less than 3,000.
Full article at 'Simplifying Australia's competition laws' CCLN 2014 Vol 8&9 p 94.
Evidently a simplification is desperately needed but history needs to be preserved. Together with former ACCC Chairman, Professor Allan Fels AO, a proposal including introducing concerted practices, an effects test for abuse of dominance and replacing per se offences with competition tests is suggested reducing the word count to less than 3,000.
Full article at 'Simplifying Australia's competition laws' CCLN 2014 Vol 8&9 p 94.