Dan Villalba's practice focuses primarily on assisting debtors throughout all stages of chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings, from assisting with the preparation of first day filings to defending confirmed plans of reorganization on appeal. Dan also has experience representing bidders and creditors within bankruptcy cases and with assisting clients in out-of-court restructuring matters.
Dan maintains an active pro bono practice, including helping obtain asylum for a Salvadoran refugee who fled her home country to escape gender-based violence and persecution. After reviewing Jones Day's brief, the Department of Homeland Security chose to not oppose the refugee's application for asylum.
Weitere Veröffentlichungen
Note, "Duren, Pope Francis, And The Death Penalty: How Catholics Can Render The Capital Jury Selection Process Unconstitutional," 57 Am. Crim. L. Rev. 1663 (2020)
- Georgetown University (J.D. 2019; Executive Editor, American Criminal Law Review; Juvenile Justice Clinic & Initiative; Barristers' Council, Appellate Advocacy Division; Legal Research and Writing Fellow); Illinois State University (B.S. in Physical Education Teacher Education 2013 cum laude)
- Illinois and U.S. District Courts for the Northern District of Illinois and the Southern District of Texas
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