Alexandra W.Fraser


墨尔本 + 61.3.9101.6818

Alexandra Fraser advises clients subject to review by the Australian Taxation Office, assisting and representing them throughout the dispute process. This includes initial advice on prospects, strategy, and approach; navigating the complexities of responding to information requests (informal and statutory); preparing legal and technical submissions; preparing evidence; briefing expert witnesses; and advising on litigation risks at all stages of a dispute.

Alexandra began her career at the Inland Revenue of New Zealand, where she was a member of the litigation management team. As a member of this team she provided legal and technical advice and ran litigation on behalf of the Commissioner of Inland Revenue. This involved defending the Commissioner's tax assessments, defending judicial reviews brought against the Commissioner, and actively managing other complex litigation and appeals. Alexandra appeared in the High Court of New Zealand and assisted New Zealand's Crown Lawyers and Queen's Counsel to prepare cases for the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court of New Zealand.

Prior to moving to Australia in January 2017, Alex worked at a global firm in London where she was a member of the indirect tax litigation team, assisting with all aspects of the litigation process to prepare and bring matters to hearing in England, as well as before the European Court of Justice.