Philippe Delelis


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Philippe Delelis' practice focuses on public law involving government contracts, administrative litigation, and regulatory law. He advises clients on public law regarding procurement contracts and project financing, particularly concession and PPP (public-private partnership) contracts related to infrastructure projects, as well as contracts related to public properties.

Philippe advises on French and European general public law as well as sector-specific regulation, primarily government-owned companies (restructuring and privatization), energy, transportation, and government banking systems.

Philippe represents clients before French administrative courts in contractual and noncontractual, legality, and indemnification litigation cases, along with public financial courts (local and national chambers of accounts).

Philippe has published numerous articles related to public contracts law and teaches project finance at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. He also served in high-profile positions with the French Ministry of Finance and other government departments before entering private practice.


  • Real estate management company awards global performance contract to accelerate energy transition of numerous business premisesJones Day advised a real estate management company during the award procedure of a 10-year global energy performance contract concluded with EDF Group, with an estimated value of €400 million, aimed at reducing by 2030 energy consumption by 20% and CO2 emissions by 35%.
  • CNCM secures integrity of Credit Mutuel GroupJones Day advised Confederation Nationale Du Credit Mutuel (CNCM), the central body of Credit Mutuel Group, a large network of French cooperative banks, in carrying out its public service mission in relation to Credit Mutuel Arkea's (CMA) unprecedented initiative to split away from its parent group.
  • RATP Développement secures €450 million concession contract before French administrative courtJones Day successfully represented RATP Développement, a subsidiary of RATP, against its competitor Transdev before the administrative court of Toulon on the awarding of a 6-years and €450 million concession contract related to the public transportation system of Métropole Toulon Provence Méditerranée.
  • TotalEnergies implements multi-energy strategy with two major integrated projects in the Middle East and North AfricaJones Day is advising TotalEnergies on the structuring, development, and finance of two major integrated projects in the Middle East and North Africa.
  • Energy company implements anticorruption compliance programAfter winning a tendering process, Jones Day was retained to implement an entire compliance program for the client in order to meet the Sapin II law requirements and to support the company in the deployment of an action plan. Jones Day is also preparing the company in parallel for a potential French Anti-Corruption Agency inspection.
  • Astellas transfers DIFICLIR in Europe, Middle East, Africa, and selected CIS to Swiss Tillotts Pharma AG for €109 millionJones Day advised Astellas Pharma Europe Ltd. on the sale of distribution rights to the product "DIFICLIR" in Europe, Middle East, Africa, and selected Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries to Swiss Tillotts Pharma AG for €109 million.
  • French Gas Association appeals for annulment of energy regulationsJones Day represents the French Gas Association (AFG) before the Conseil d’État, the French administrative supreme court, in petitioning for the annulment of various provisions that determine technical factors of energy sources as outlined in the Multiannual Energy Programme (PPE) that was adopted in a Decree dated April 21, 2020.
  • APE obtains French constitutional Supreme Court approval for design of airport privatization planJones Day advised the Agence des Participations de l'Etat ("APE") on constitutional matters regarding the privatization of Aéroports de Paris ("ADP"), the French company managing the biggest airports around Paris (market value: €17 billion).
  • CNCM obtains confirmation of decision prohibiting creation of new local bankJones Day successfully represented Confederation Nationale du Credit Mutuel (CNCM) before the Paris Administrative Court of Appeal regarding the challenge of a sentence confirming its decision to prohibit the creation of a new local bank called "Caisse de L'Hermine" by its affiliate Federation du Credit Mutuel de Bretagne (FCMB).
  • Campus Agro leads AgroParisTech-INRA campus project in SaclayJones Day advised Caisse des Depots et Consignations (CDC), as shareholder of Campus Agro SAS (a company created by AgroParisTech, INRA, and CDC), on a project including (i) a public-public partnership and (ii) a public-private partnership (€257 million) lasting for 30 years with a consortium led by GTM Bâtiment (VINCI group) and ENGIE Cofely. The consortium will design, build, maintain, and operate the new AgroParisTech-INRA campus in Saclay.
  • Yesday SAS negotiates agreement with Icade for "smart maker" concept and lease on plans (BEFA)Jones Day advised Yesday SAS with the negotiation of (i) a partnership agreement with Icade for the implementation of the 'smart maker' concept, and (ii) a lease agreement on plans (BEFA) on 4,400 sq meters of premises in St Denis (Paris suburb), France.
  • Deutsche Pfandbriefbank provides financing in connection with acquisition of Hôtel de l’Artillerie located in Paris, FranceJones Day represented Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG in the financing provided to Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques in connection with the acquisition of the Hôtel de l’Artillerie, located at Saint-Thomas d’Aquin plaza, VIIe arrondissement in Paris, France.
  • Unicredit-led syndicate provides financing for consortium in connection with acquisition of shares owned by French State in Société des Aéroports de la Côte d'Azur (Nice Airport)Jones Day acted as counsel to Unicredit SpA; Intesa SanPaolo SpA; Banca IMI SpA; Cassa Depositi E Prestiti SpA; MPS Capital Services Banca per le Imprese SpA; The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd; and MUFG Bank (Europe) N.V. in connection with a €1.222 billion (US$1.296 billion) investment for a consortium formed by Atlantia, Aeroporti di Roma, and EDF in connection with the acquisition of the shares owned by the French State in Société des Aéroports de la Côte d'Azur.
  • Dexia Credit Local defends over 200 financial litigations relating to structured products commercialized to public sector entitiesJones Day is representing Dexia Credit Local in connection with over 200 high profile financial litigations relating to structured products commercialized to public sector entities, advising Dexia on the legal and procedural strategy involving banking and derivative law, lenders' contractual and tort liability, financial services regulation, and public law issues.
  • Société de Financement Local and Caisse Française de Financement Local defend in over 200 financial litigations relating to structured products commercialized to public sector entitiesJones Day is lead counsel to Société de Financement Local and Caisse Française de Financement Local in over 200 financial litigations relating to structured products commercialized to public sector entities.
  • Snam, GIC, and EDF Invest welcome Crédit Agricole Assurances into share capital of TIGF with 10 percent stakeJones Day advised Snam, GIC, and EDF Invest regarding the entry of Crédit Agricole Assurances into the share capital of TIGF.
  • Chevron announces sale of interests in Chad and Cameroon for approximately $1.3 billionJones Day advised Chevron Corporation in the sale of its interest in a producing oil concession in Chad and related pipeline interests in Chad and Cameroon for approximately $1.3 billion.
  • Société Générale provides financing for aquatic centreJones Day represented Société Générale in the €15 million (US$20.8 million) financing in connection with the rehabilitation, extension, maintenance, and operation of the aquatic centre of Rosny-sous-Bois under the délégation de service public scheme for the City of Rosny-sous-Bois.
  • Société Générale-led syndicate finances waste reception and recycling center in FranceJones Day assisted a pool of banks comprised of Société Générale, PBB, SMBC, and BPIFrance Financement in connection with the €220 million (US$299.4 million) project financing for the conception, construction, and operation of a waste reception and recycling center in Clermont-Ferrand for the Valtom.
  • SNAM acquires Transports Infrastructures Gaz France through consortium with EDF and GIC for €2.4 billion ($3.25 billion)Jones Day advised Italian energy company SNAM in its acquisition from Total SA of Transports Infrastructures Gaz France's natural-gas transport and storage unit through a consortium with EDF and GIC for €2.4 billion ($3.25 billion).
    • 8 avril 2016
      Le nouveau droit des concessions, Colloque de l'Université de Montpellier
    • Janvier - Avril 2016
      Séminaire : Le Financement privé des projets publics, Sciences Po
    • 25 mars 2016
      La réparition des risques en PPP, Séminaire Université de Montpellier
    • 1er octobre 2015
      Les marchés de partenariat : les principales différences avec le contrat de partenariat
    • April 15, 2015
      Infrastructures in Brazil: Opportunities and Risk Control
    • Janvier - Avril 2015
      Séminaire : Le Financement privé des projets publics, Sciences Po
    • 27 mars 2015
      La répartition des risques en PPP, Séminaire Université de Montpellier
    • 7 novembre 2014
      Partenariats public-privé: quel cadre juridique pour quelles perspectives économiques ?, Université de Paris Panthéon-Assas
    • 21 mai 2014
      Les nouvelles directives Marchés publics et Concessions
    • 8 avril 2014
      Jones Day Paris a organisé sa première journée "Day of Service" en accueillant deux classes du Lycée Jean Renoir de Bondy
    • janvier - avril 2014
      Financement privé des projets publics, Séminaire du Master 2 Affaires Publiques de Sciences Po
    • 23 mars 2014
      La répartition des risques en PPP, Séminaire du Master 2 Contrats publics et partenariats de l'Université de Montpellier I
    • février et septembre 2013
      Partenariats public-privé : les points de vigilance. Séminaire du Centre de Formation au Management du Ministère de la Défense
    • 23 avril 2013
      L’aggravation du risque pénal dans l’entreprise : comment réagir ?
    • janvier-mai 2013
      Partenariats public-privé, Master 2 "Affaires Publiques", Sciences Po
    • 23 mars 2012
      La répartition des risques en partenariat public-privé, Séminaire Master 2, Université de Montpellier 1
    • janvier-mai 2012
      Partenariats public-privé, Conférences Master 2 "Affaires Publiques", Sciences Po
    • 13 juillet 2011
      Conférence-débat : Appel d'offres éolien en mer en France - Enjeux et défis
    • janvier - mai 2011
      Partenariats public-privé, Conférences Master 2 "Affaires Publiques", Sciences Po
    • 29 avril 2011
      Les biens édifiés par le titulaire d'un contrat de partenariat. Séminaire "Propriété et contrats publics, Université de Montpellier 1
    • 25 mars 2011
      La répartition des risques en partenariat public-privé, Séminaire Master 2, Université de Montpellier 1
    • 16 mars 2011
      Le montage de projets touristiques : de l’idée à la réalisation, les étapes-clés pour réussir, Journée technique proposée par ATOUT FRANCE
    • 30 novembre 2010
      Les insuffisances des procédures de référé en matière de contrats publics, Séminaire sur l'actualité du droit des contrats administratifs, Université Paris 2, Centre de recherche en droit administratif
    • janvier - mai 2010
      Partenariats public-privé, Conférences Master 2 "Affaires Publiques", Sciences Po
    • 4 mars 2010
      La répartition des risques en partenariat public-privé, Séminaire Master 2, Université de Montpellier 1

    • Infrastructures au Brésil : Opportunités et maîtrise des risques