Maria I.Pradilla Picas


ワシントン + 1.202.879.4640

Maria Pradilla Picas focuses her practice on the arbitration and litigation of complex commercial and investment disputes, with a particular focus on Latin America and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). She has represented clients in investment treaty and commercial arbitration proceedings under UNCITRAL (United Nations Commission on International Trade Law), ICSID (International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes), LCIA (London Court of International Arbitration), and ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) rules across a range of industries, including mining, energy, telecommunications, and construction.

Maria is currently representing investors with high-value and novel claims against CIS, Latin American, and Arab states, as well as a U.S. energy company in potential litigations. Her prior representations include advising investors in arbitration proceedings against Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, a U.S. investor on a construction dispute in Latin America, a U.S. investor in ICC commercial arbitration proceedings against its Indian co-contractor, and a U.S. energy company in potential disputes in Latin America. In addition to her international dispute resolution practice, Maria advises clients on international legal matters, including treaty interpretation and risk management strategies. She also maintains an active pro bono practice representing clients in human trafficking, asylum, and custody matters.

Maria is an adjunct faculty member at the University of Maryland School of Law teaching international arbitration and a coach for Georgetown University Law Center's LL.M. international arbitration moot court team. She is a frequent speaker and author on international arbitration. Maria was co-chair of International Arbitration Month at Georgetown and coach of its Willem C. Vis International Arbitration Moot team. She was born and raised in Venezuela and is a native Spanish speaker.


  • Company seeks advice regarding potential investor-state dispute against Latin American sovereign and resisting enforcement of local court judgment in U.S.Jones Day is advising a company in relation to a potential investor-state dispute against a Latin American sovereign arising out of local court proceedings, and is likewise advising the company with respect to resisting enforcement of the local court judgment in the United States.
  • Canadian mining company initiates UNCITRAL arbitration against KazakhstanJones Day represents a Canadian mining company in an UNCITRAL arbitration against the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Alhambra Resources obtains arbitration award against Republic of KazakhstanJones Day represented Alhambra Resources Ltd., a Canadian mining company in an arbitration against Kazakhstan under the auspices of the World Bank’s International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).
  • U.S. construction company arbitrates dispute with Panama for violation of applicable treaties between U.S. and PanamaJones Day represented a U.S. construction company in an international arbitration conducted under the Rules of the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes against the Republic of Panama.
  • Student resolves lawsuit against American University and D.C. Metropolitan Police Department over incident with university policeMs. Wheeler and American University announce that they have mutually resolved her lawsuit against the University.
  • World Wide Minerals obtains arbitration award in excess of $50 million against the Republic of KazakhstanJones Day obtained an arbitration award on behalf of World Wide Minerals Ltd. ("WWM"), a Toronto-based mining company, and Mr. Paul A. Carroll, QC, WWM's President and CEO, which held that the Republic of Kazakhstan breached international law and the Canada-U.S.S.R. Bilateral Investment Treaty ("BIT") over 20 years ago.
  • Eight years after original hearing, Jones Day secures asylum on remand for Guatemalan gay manIn December 2006, at just 17 years old, C.C. fled to the United States after three armed men threatened, kidnapped, beat, raped, and nearly killed him simply because he is gay.
  • Federal Elektrik Yatirim ve Ticaret arbitrates issues against Uzbekistan under Energy Charter TreatyJones Day represents Federal Elektrik Yatirim ve Ticaret A.S. and three other claimants in an ICSID arbitration against Uzbekistan seeking millions of dollars of compensation under the Energy Charter Treaty and the Turkey-Uzbekistan bilateral investment treaty.
  • Kazakh investors initiate ICSID arbitration against UzbekistanJones Day represents Vladislav Kim and 11 other citizens of Kazakhstan in an ICSID arbitration against the Republic of Uzbekistan instituted pursuant to the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments.
    • 9/2/2024
      IPA Arbitration Week The Use of Standardized Engineering and Construction Contracts
    • 4/28/2023
      XVII International Arbitration Congress IPA Third Party Funding and Its Impact on International Arbitration
    • 4/25/2024
      XVIII IPA International Arbitration Congress Does IA benefit the efficiency and impartiality of the arbitration process?
    • 3/21/2024
      George Washington University International Arbitration Symposium Modern Resource Nationalism and the Mining Industry in Latin America
    • 8/4/2023
      V International Conference of Women in Arbitration IPA Status of International Arbitration in the Region: Key developments in Arbitrations with Latin American Parties
    • 6/1/2023
      Arbanza - Arbitration School The Impact of "Amicus Curiae" on International Arbitration
    • 5/11/2023
      Arbitration Open Incentives and Disincentives to Arbitrate
    • 11/29/2022
      Washington Arbitration Week Drafting a Compelling Facts Section: How to Win the Hearts and Minds of the Tribunal (Arbitration Practitioners' Session)
    • 9/15/2022
      IV International Conference of Women in Arbitration Arbitration and Financing
    • 12/15/2021
      Washington Arbitration Update Dual Nationality, and Dominant and Effective Nationality in Investment Arbitration
    • 12/3/2021
      Washington Arbitration Week High Political Risk in Investment Arbitration: The Case Study of Venezuela
    • April 23, 2021
      La importancia de las instrucciones legales en la actuación pericial y su influencia en la credibilidad del expert. II CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE DESTREZAS LEGALES del Instituto Peruano de Arbitraje (The Peruvian Arbitration Institute’s II International Congress on Legal Skills)
    • 4/23/2021
      II International Congress on Legal Skills IPA The Importance of Legal Instructions in the Expert Performance and its Impact on the Expert's Credibility
    • May 13, 2020
      The Impact of COVID-19 on Foreign Direct Investment
    • June 15, 2018
      De Ida Y Vuelta: Litigios y Arbitraje A Través del Atlántico
    • 13 junio, 2018
      Arbitraje y litigios transnacionales en las nuevas tecnologías: Blockchain y Crytomonedas
    • April 2, 2018
      2018 CIArb Conference: Arbitrating Disputes with Foreign Sovereigns and Sovereign-Owned Entities - "Career Transitions in the Field of International Arbitration"
    • October 30, 2017
      Investment Structuring and Treaty Protection IABA - IIEL Conference
    • June 21, 2017
      Global Disputes: Cross Border Arbitration and Litigation from the Spanish and American Perspectives
    • May 25, 2017
      Judicial Assistance: Hague Service and Evidence Conventions; 28 U.S.C. 1782
    • February 10, 2016
      Effects of the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements on International Arbitration (Moderator)