Ozan Akyurek


パリ +

Practicing in the area of commercial litigation and international arbitration, Ozan Akyurek assists large French and international companies in disputes related to product liability, industrial risks, post-acquisition disputes, and business torts. Ozan also has substantive experience in insurance, aviation, and information technology (IT) law.

Ozan is active in diverse industry sectors, including energy, aviation, automotive, IT, transportation, and logistics, as well as steel and retail. He is particularly involved in the aviation and airline industries and has represented major manufacturers and airline companies in aviation litigation.

Ozan also has substantial internal investigation and compliance experience. He recently acted on behalf of a leading chemical company and a U.S. pharmaceutical company in Turkey in conducting investigations focused on anticorruption matters. His experience also includes a criminal investigation related to alleged credit card fraud committed by the employees of a leading U.S. company in Morocco.

In 2012, Ozan was seconded to the Firm's Pittsburgh Office. During his secondment, he acquired substantial experience in product liability, insurance, and aviation law. In particular, he was part of the team representing The Sherwin-Williams Company in lead paint and pigment cases.

Ozan has authored articles on litigation and regulatory matters, such as product liability and aviation law. His articles are published in French economic and legal publications. He also is a lecturer in international business law at the University of Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense.


  • Société Générale sells Société Générale Equipment Finance's (SGEF) activitiesJones Day is advising Société Générale in the sale of the professional equipment financing businesses operated by Societe Generale Equipment Finance (SGEF) to Groupe BPCE.
  • Kartesia sells shares in Orapi to Groupe ParedesJones Day advised Kartesia Management SA in the sale of the shares held in Orapi SA to Groupe Paredes as part of Groupe Parades' public tender offer for Orapi SA.
  • Safran completes €8.7 billion agreed tender offer targeting Zodiac Aerospace's shares creating global leader in aircraft equipmentJones Day represented Safran in connection with its €8.7 billion agreed tender offer targeting Zodiac Aerospace's shares to create a global leader in aircraft equipment.
  • Parker Hannifin resolves claims arising from commercial airliner crash near Sharm el-Sheik, EgyptJones Day represented Parker Hannifin Corporation to resolve over 280 claims by predominately French family members arising from the crash of Flash Air Flight 604, a commercial airliner, into the Red Sea near Sharm el-Sheik, Egypt.
  • Euronext attempts to acquire LCH.Clearnet SAJones Day advised Euronext N.V. in its attempted €510 million (US$530 million) all-cash offer to LCH.Clearnet Group Limited and London Stock Exchange Group plc to acquire LCH.Clearnet SA, a leading EMIR-authorized central counterparty serving Euronext's markets, pan-European electronic trading platforms, and OTC markets, which is headquartered in Paris with branches in Amsterdam and Brussels, as well as a representative office in Porto.
  • JCB obtains before French Supreme Court dismissal of claim for damages based on breach of European Union antitrust lawJones Day successfully represented JCB of Britain, a leading manufacturer of construction, farm and industrial handling equipment, before the French Supreme Court following the proceedings brought by Central Parts of France for damages for an alleged breach of European Union antitrust law.
  • Fourth Alcuin Fund acquires minority stake in Air Charter ServiceJones Day represented The Fourth Alcuin Fund LP, a fund managed by Alcuin Capital Partners LLP, in connection with its minority stake investment in Air Charter Service, a global leader in providing aircraft charters.
  • Federal Elektrik Yatirim ve Ticaret arbitrates issues against Uzbekistan under Energy Charter TreatyJones Day represents Federal Elektrik Yatirim ve Ticaret A.S. and three other claimants in an ICSID arbitration against Uzbekistan seeking millions of dollars of compensation under the Energy Charter Treaty and the Turkey-Uzbekistan bilateral investment treaty.
  • Weir Services prevails in maritime insurance actionJones Day client Weir Services obtained the payment of US$5,784,186 from Respondents SDV, Generali, Caisse Centrale de Rassurance, and MG International, corresponding to the prejudice it suffered pursuant to the loss of goods entrusted to SDV.
  • Hugo Boss AG litigates community trademark in European cancellation actionJones Day represented Hugo Boss AG in a cancellation action of a community trademark before the Court of First Instance of the European Communities.
  • Sibir Energy pursues action relating to the alleged misappropriation of over $400 millionJones Day has been acting for the energy company, Sibir Energy Plc, in relation to the high profile misappropriation of sums exceeding US$400 million by former directors and shareholders.
  • Crown Cork & Seal prevails in high profile insurance matterJones Day successfully represented Crown Cork & Seal Company in a high profile insurance matter against XL Insurance Company Limited.
  • Parker Hannifin resolves successfully multi-plaintiff wrongful death action arising from crash of flight en route from Egypt to FranceOn behalf of Parker Hannifin Corporation, and as part of a joint defense effort, Jones Day obtained a favorable ruling of the French Supreme Court which effectively prevented plaintiffs from returning to sue Parker and others in U.S. courts.
  • 出版物情報

    • 30 octobre 2023
      Vers une nouvelle directive sur la responsabilité du fait des produits défectueux, apparu dans Point de Vue, LJA n° 1605 - 30 octobre 2023
    • 11 Octobre 2023
      Saisie conservatoire des aéronefs : la spécificité de ses conditions s’étend-elle à son régime procédural ?, Lextenso, Actu-Juridique
    • 9 October 2023
      "Les Turcs savent ce que c'est de faire face à un taux d'inflation à deux chiffres", Entretien dans Vu d'Ailleurs, Supplément de la Lettre des Juristes d'Affaires n° 1602
    • Février 2023
      Réforme de la loi de blocage : l’intervention du SISSE, apparu dans Point de Vue, La lettre des juristes d’affaires n° 1572
    • December 2022
      Jones Day Commentary - Aviation Arbitration Center Takes Flight
    • Oct-Dec 2021
      Perspectives, The International Chambers of the Paris Courts, CD corporate disputes
    • Avril 2020
      Covid-19 et couverture assurantielle en droit français, article paru dans La Lettre des Juristes d'Affaires (LJA), n° 23

    • 7 December 2022
      La Réparation du Préjudice Economique devant les Tribunaux Français
    • October 3, 2022
      12th World Litigation Forum 2022 Europe - Session 1: European Development in Class Action
    • 12 avril 2018
      Finale de la 4ème édition du Prix Jones Day/Paris II/ESSEC
    • 24 novembre 2017
      Drones : comment faire face aux défis à venir
    • 29 juin 2017
      Les rendez-vous de la propriété intellectuelle - 2ème volet : Comment se préparer à des saisies contrefaçon ou des saisies article 145 CPC ?
    • 17 janvier 2017
      Quels réflexes adopter vis-à-vis de votre compagnie d’assurance en cas de sinistre ?
    • November 9, 2016
      Jones Day Global Life Sciences Conference – 2016 Issues & Trends
    • 5 juillet 2016
      Explosion des cybermenaces : comment les entreprises peuvent et doivent-elles se protéger ?
    • February 9, 2016
      Class Actions Worldview: Emerging Trends Across the Globe and Key U.S. Issues New England Legal Foundation
    • October 25, 2014
      Convention Nationale des Avocats - Montpellier: La nouvelle action de groupe à la française: modalités pratiques de mise en oeuvre en demande et en défense
    • September 23, 2014
      Commission ouverte du Barreau de Paris Environnement et risque industriel : Les actions de groupe à la française : état des lieux et perspective (droit de la consommation)
    • June 17-18, 2014
      Transatlantic Litigation: A Comparative Analysis of Class Actions in the US, UK and Europe: Overcoming Challenges and Gaining Essential Information
    • 22 janvier 2014
      Les class actions à la française
    • 22 janvier 2014
      Les class actions à la française
    • November 20, 2012
      US Discovery in a nutshell, HEC Paris, International Business School
    • March 30, 2012
      International Dispute Resolution, Duquesne University
    • June 3, 2010
      Key Legal Considerations for the Next Generation Air Transport System
    • April 22-23, 2010
      Sources of civil and criminal liability across Europe for corporations and their directors and officers, DRI EUROPE
    • April 8, 2010
      Forum professionnel de l'Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre-La Défense - internationalisation des carrières juridiques, Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre-La Défense
    • March 25, 2009
      Digital Rights Management and Internet - HEC Paris, International Business School