Miriam I.Archibong


デトロイト + 1.313.230.7903

Miriam Archibong is a commercial litigator who successfully defends clients inside and outside of the courtroom.

Miriam has experience in a variety of legal proceedings, including offensive and defensive discovery, internal investigations, preparing for depositions, drafting motions and pleadings, and providing oral advocacy on behalf of clients. Miriam has also served as lead counsel in actions alleging Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) violations.

Miriam has represented and advised clients in a variety of sectors, including education, energy, the Inflation Reduction Act, complex contractual and insurance disputes, cyber security and data privacy, bankruptcy litigation, employment law, class action litigation, and arbitration.

Miriam maintains an active pro bono practice, including assisting with the Firm's Rule of Law in Africa initiative in Nigeria, and represents individuals seeking asylum and expunging their criminal records. Miriam also regularly volunteers at local high schools in Detroit, Michigan.