Dean Weiss focuses his practice on a broad range of corporate transactions, with an emphasis on public and private M&A, private equity, and other general corporate matters. Dean's experience includes buy-side and sell-side M&A, secondary transactions, fund formation, and fund management and involves a variety of industries, including manufacturing, vendor services, energy, and real estate.
While in law school, Dean was a member of the Donald Pritzker Entrepreneurship Law Center where he uncovered his passion for transactional work by providing direct counsel to clients with start-up businesses.
- Northwestern University (J.D. cum laude 2023; Associate Editor, Journal of International Law and Business); University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (B.S. in Political Science 2020)
- Illinois
- Extern to: Judge Charles P. Kocoras, U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois (Summer 2021) and Judge Kay M. Hanlon (Ret.), Circuit Court of Cook County (Summer 2018)
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