Connor Scholes focuses on intellectual property litigation. He has assisted clients with a variety of complex patent and trade secret issues, discovery disputes, and other aspects of complex civil litigation.
During law school, Connor served as a judicial intern to Judge Patti B. Saris of the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts. He also participated in Northeastern University's Intellectual Property Law Clinic.
Prior to attending law school, Connor worked at a global health care technology company after earning a master's in chemistry, where he engaged in multidisciplinary research involving biochemistry, materials chemistry, and electrochemistry.
- Northeastern University (J.D. 2023; Articles Editor, Northeastern University Law Review); University of Utah (M.S. and B.S. in Chemistry 2019 and Honors B.S. in Philosophy 2019)
- Massachusetts and registered to practice before the United States Patent and Trademark Office
- Intern to Judge Patti B. Saris, U.S. District Court, District of Massachusetts (Spring 2023)
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