Olivia Koljack served a clerkship with the U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona prior to joining Jones Day in 2021, where she gained experience in complex litigation matters including commercial disputes, bankruptcy appeals, and class actions.
Olivia has volunteered with various organizations, including UMOM New Day Centers (United Methodist Outreach Ministries), a homeless shelter, where she served as a tutor and mentor in the Teen Tutor Club.
- Arizona State University (J.D. cum laude 2020; Articles Editor, Arizona State Law Journal; Willard H. Pedrick Scholar Award for Academic Achievement; Highest Pro Bono Distinction; CALI Award for Academic Excellence in The Litigation Experience and Trade Secrets & Restrictive Covenants; B.A. in Business 2016)
- New York
- Law Clerk to Judge Steven P. Logan, U.S. District Court, District of Arizona (2020-2021); Extern to: Judge Dominic W. Lanza (Spring 2019), Magistrate Judge John Z. Boyle (Fall 2018), and Judge Susan R. Bolton (Summer 2018), U.S. District Court, District of Arizona
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