Nicole C. Henning


Chicago + 1.312.269.4158

Nicole Henning is a partner in the Firm's State Attorney General Enforcement and Issues & Appeals practices. She is often called upon to brief and analyze complex and cutting-edge issues facing Jones Day's clients in both state and federal courts. She has helped clients to successfully navigate all manner of difficult litigation, including qui tam litigation, white collar criminal cases, products liability cases, class actions, and tax disputes.

Nicole has represented clients in nationwide, global settlements of qui tam litigation, as well as litigating damages and liability issues under the False Claims Act (FCA) and its state analogs. She has played a key role in internal investigations concerning alleged violations of, among other laws and regulations, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and the Anti-Kickback Statute (AKBS). Although Nicole has successfully briefed appeals in numerous state and federal appellate courts and has successfully argued cases in the Illinois Appellate Court and the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth Circuits, her practice is not limited to appeals. She can be counted on to deliver results in the trial court as well, having litigated cases through every stage from initial pleadings to trial to merits briefing before the United States Supreme Court.

Nicole is a director of Bounce Children's Foundation, an organization that helps chronically ill children and their families. She also serves on the National Immigrant Justice Center's Leadership Board. She is a member of the Appellate Lawyers Association and the Seventh Circuit Bar Association.


  • Mayo Clinic wins $11.5 million judgment in tax refund case against United StatesAfter a five-day bench trial, Jones Day, on behalf of Mayo Clinic, won a tax refund case of more than $11 million (plus statutory interest) in a lawsuit against the United States in federal court in St. Paul Minnesota.
  • Four clients prevail on products liability claim in Northern District of IllinoisAn Illinois federal court dismissed two pharmaceutical companies, and granted summary judgment to two others, in a product liability lawsuit.
  • Pharmaceutical manufacturer wins dismissal with prejudice of pharmaceutical products liability lawsuitThe California Appellate Court affirmed dismissal with prejudice of all claims against a pharmaceutical manufacturer represented by Jones Day.
  • Sherwin-Williams obtains favorable decision from Seventh Circuit in personal injury casesA Jones Day cross-office, cross-practice team obtained a precedential decision from the Seventh Circuit that directed judgment as a matter of law for The Sherwin-Williams Company following a consolidated trial of three personal injury plaintiffs claiming injury from their exposure to white lead carbonate pigments (WLC).
  • State prisoner wins appellate victory in Seventh CircuitJones Day secured an appellate victory for Michael Thomas in the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, reversing a grant of summary judgment.
  • Ethiopian family fleeing political persecution obtains asylumJones Day successfully obtained asylum on behalf of client D and his family, who fled Ethiopia due to prolonged, egregious, and on several occasions, violent persecution by the government on account of their political beliefs.
  • Sherwin-Williams obtains affirmance of summary judgment in Lewis class actionOn May 21, 2020, Jones Day obtained a decision from the Illinois Supreme Court reversing the appellate court and affirming the grant of summary judgment in favor of The Sherwin-Williams Company (and several other former white lead pigment manufacturers) in a lawsuit pending in the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois.
  • Prisoner prevails in Seventh Circuit habeas appealThe U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit appointed Jones Day associate Stephen Petrany to represent an Indiana prisoner whose federal habeas corpus petition was dismissed as untimely.
  • Prisoner obtains vacatur of judgment dismissing civil-rights lawsuitThe U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit appointed Jones Day associate Ben Cassady to represent an Illinois prisoner whose civil-rights complaint against Illinois prison officials was dismissed for failure to exhaust administrative remedies.
  • Boehringer Ingelheim successfully defends FTC "pay-for-delay" investigationThe U.S. Federal Trade Commission ("FTC") ended an 11-year investigation into the settlements of two Hatch-Waxman patent infringement lawsuits between Jones Day's client, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and a generic drug manufacturer.
  • Prisoner wins appeal reversing denial of counsel decision in constitutional caseJones Day represented a prisoner suffering from mental illness and learning disabilities who sought the assistance of counsel to litigate his constitutional claims against Wisconsin prison officials.
  • Appellant prevails in Seventh Circuit prisoner-rights appealJones Day successfully represented the appellant in a prisoner-rights case in the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.
  • Pharmaceutical manufacturer obtains dismissal with prejudice of pharmaceutical products and medical malpractice lawsuitA pharmaceutical manufacturer represented by Jones Day obtained an Illinois Appellate Court decision rejecting a plaintiff’s attempt to revive a product liability lawsuit that the trial court had previously dismissed with prejudice.
  • Scholars file amicus brief in Ninth Circuit related to executive order on immigrationJones Day filed an amicus brief on behalf of a group of constitutional law scholars to assist the Ninth Circuit as it considered whether to grant an emergency stay of a temporary injunction entered by the District Court for the Western District of Washington.
  • Expedia,, Egencia, and Hotwire prevail on summary judgment in hotel tax caseJones Day recently secured an important summary judgment victory for Expedia, Inc. (WA),, Egencia, and Hotwire, Inc. on claims brought by Illinois municipalities for allegedly unpaid hotel occupancy taxes.
  • Illinois American Water and American Lake Water obtain dismissal of breach of contract actionOn June 2, 2016, Jones Day clients Illinois-American Water Company and American Lake Water Company obtained a dismissal of a breach of contract action.
  • AbbVie and TAP Pharmaceuticals obtain Sixth Circuit affirmation of dismissal of product liability lawsuitJones Day clients AbbVie Inc. and TAP Pharmaceuticals, Inc. obtained Sixth Circuit affirmation of a federal court decision dismissing with prejudice a product liability lawsuit in which the plaintiff alleged injuries from the drug Lupron, on statute of limitations and other grounds.
  • Immigrant obtains Ninth Circuit decision holding that written perjury under California Penal Code § 118 does not involve moral turpitudeOn March 10, 2016, The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit reversed a Board of Immigration Appeals ("BIA") decision adverse to Jones Day client MR, a citizen of El Salvador.
  • Fortune 500 medical device company conducts mock dawn raidJones Day devised and conducted a mock dawn raid and training at the Brazilian headquarters of a U.S.-based Fortune 500 medical device company.
  • Technology provider settles False Claims Act appellate litigationJones Day represented one of the largest U.S. providers of technology equipment and services in a federal appeal regarding False Claims Act (FCA) litigation.
    • August 3, 2017
      Supreme Court in Review, CLE Presentation to General Counsels of Illinois Agencies
    • June 1, 2017
      Cross-Border Investigations, JD University
    • February 23, 2017
      U.S. Business Outlook in the New Administration Transition in the Legal Trenches: How Trump Appointees Could Shape the Judiciary and Influence Enforcement Priorities
    • June 30, 2016
      Yale Law School Alumni Association Supreme Court Watchers Panel
    • June 30, 2016
      Chaos in Nexus Land
    • May 5, 2016
      Office of the Governor - General Counsel's Office, CLE panelist, Supreme Court Review: October Term 2015 and Beyond
    • July 31, 2015
      Down to Business: A Tour of Recent Supreme Court Rulings All Young Lawyers Need to Know About, American Bar Association Annual Conference Young Lawyer's Division Panel
    • October 24, 2012
      Issues & Appeals - Supreme Court Review
    • October 18, 2011
      Issues & Appeals – Supreme Court Review
    • October 6-7, 2010
      Issues & Appeals – Supreme Court Review