Mario Todino has more than 25 years of experience in EU and Italian competition law, including 15 years in governmental roles in Italy and Brussels, as well as the European Court of Justice. Specifically, Mario served the Legal Service and Cabinet of the President of the Italian Competition Authority and the DG Competition of the European Commission in Brussels.
Mario's practice focuses on merger control, cartels, abuses of dominance, state aid matters, and litigation in Brussels and in Italy. In recent years he has represented clients such as FIAT Chrysler, Imerys, ENI, Procter & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson, Banca d'Italia, BNL/BNP Paribas, Fondo Strategico Italiano, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, Hitachi, FCA Bank, and STMicroelectronics.
Mario has handled a number of high-profile mergers with the European Commission and in private practice spanning a variety of industrial sectors such as energy, pharma, medical devices, health care, infrastructure, consumer goods, automotive, banking and insurance, and telecom and media.
He also has extensive experience in cartels and unilateral practices; state aid, particularly in the financial sector; and litigation before the EU courts and the Italian courts (annulment actions and follow-on damages actions).
Mario is coauthor of the textbook La disciplina della concorrenza in Italia. He lectures on EC and domestic competition law and has authored various articles in this area. He is member of the Italian Antitrust Review scientific committee and of the Executive Committee of the Italian Antitrust Association.
Publicaciones adicionales
- 2019
Commentary to article 102 TFEU and article 3 of Law 287/90 – in Commentario Ubertazzi, CEDAM, 2019 - October 2019
Textbook of Italian Competition Law “ La disciplina della concorrenza in Italia” Il Mulino, Bologna, 2020 - October 2019
What agenda for Commissioner Vestager – Competition policy international 2020 - 2018
EU merger control and harm to innovation – in Antitrust Bullettin, I-20 (Sage Journals)
Publications Prior to Jones Day
"What agenda for the Newly Appointed EU Competition Commissioner" CPI Antitrust Chronicle, 2/2015 (
"Antitrust rules and intellectual property rights in the EU and in the US – Towards Convergence" Italian Antitrust Review, 2/2014 (
“EU Merger Control, in The Merger Control Review" Fifth Edition, edited Ilene Knable Gotts, 2014
“EU Guidelines for regional aids - Is the party over for Large Investment Projects?” European State Aid Law Quarterly, 4/2013 (
"Unilateral behaviour in times of crisis" GCLC Annual Conference, 2013
"Antitrust procedure - Dizionario sistematico del diritto della concorrenza" a cura di L. Pace, 2013
"Unilateral conducts - Italian Commentary of EU and Italian Competition Rules" Commentario Ubertazzi 2011
"Le intese nell’esperienza dell’Autorità garante – linee di tendenza e sviluppi futuri" 20 Anni di Antitrust, 2010
"La disciplina della concorrenza in Italia" Il Mulino, 2010
"Settlements – Codice commentato della concorrenza" a cura di A. Catricalà, 2010
- June 6, 2024
XVI Treviso Antitrust Conference- Antitrust and artificial intelligence: foreseeing future competition issues and the possible evolution of enforcement tools. - March 22,2024
Dynamic Competition in Dynamic Markets: Charting the Path Forward? - September 24,2023
Lear Competition Festival - EU Merger Control - June 8, 2023
AAI Biennial Conference -Main Developments in European and Italian Competition Law - March 4, 2022
AAI- Associazione Antitrust Italiana- Competition Enforcement contro i giganti dell'High-tech. Spunti di riflessione derivanti dalla recente casistica nazionale e comunitaria - April 2020
AAI-Associazione Antitrust Italiana- Gli aiuti di stato in tempi di Coronavirus. Il temporary framework della Commissione Europea e la sua applicazione - May 2019
Presentazione alla prima sessione plenaria del Convegno Nazionale dell'Associazione Antitrust Italiana sui recenti sviluppi nell'antitrust italiano e europeo - January 30, 2018
Presentazione presso l'Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato sui recenti sviluppi in materia di controllo delle concentrazioni in Europa e Italia - November 20, 2017
Presentazione sui recenti sviluppi sulla direttiva ECN+, i poteri delle autorità antitrust nazionali e le garanzie - Marzo 2017
Recenti sviluppi in materia di privacy e protezione dei dati, implicazioni in materia di antitrust e controllo sui dipendenti. - May 2016
Recenti sviluppi in materia di concentrazioni nelle telecomunicazioni, IT e nel settore energetico in Europa e Italia
- College of Europe (Bruges, Belgium) (LL.M. in European Law Studies with honors 1992); University of Naples (J.D. magna cum laude 1990)
- Naples Bar, Italy
- Case Manager, Merger Directorate, DG COMP, Competition of the European Commission (2003-2006); Cabinet Member to President Giuseppe Tesauro (2000-2003) and Deputy Head, Legal Service, Italian Competition Authority (1996-1997; 1999-2000); Merger Task Force EU Commission (1997-1999); and Lawyer, Research Department, European Court of Justice (1995-1996)
- Italian, English, and French