Cases & Deals

Following a contentious, long-running custody dispute, the custody recommendation for a six-year old boy is accepted by the court and parents

Client(s) Client CJ

Jones Day Washington represented a 6-year old boy who was at the center of a contentious, long-running custody dispute between his parents, which began in 2002 when his parents divorced. In April 2009, the court appointed Jones Day attorney, Sheerin Haubenreich, to serve as the child's guardian ad litem and assist the court in resolving the custody dispute. During the following six-month period, Sheerin regularly met with the child, his parents, teachers, and other caregivers to develop a working custody plan that would be in the best interest of the child. Ultimately, Sheerin was able to work with both parents and their attorneys to develop a shared custody-arrangement whereby the child would be able to spend as much time with each parent as possible. In September 2009, Sheerin presented her custody recommendation to the court, with a signed stipulation from both parties as to visitation details, and the court accepted the recommendation. The Jones Day team included Carmen Mclean and John Majoras. Jones Day's role in the case is part of a larger effort, in conjunction with the Children's Law Center's Guardian ad Litem Program, to provide pro bono representation to at-risk children and their families to ensure that children receive the services they need to overcome the trauma that first brought them into the child welfare system.