Ariana ShainaWilner


Los Angeles +

Ariana Wilner joined our New Lawyers Group (NLG) in 2023. The NLG provides our newest lawyers with the opportunity to gain exposure to different practice areas and lawyering styles before making a commitment to a specific practice. Individuals in the NLG may focus on a particular area of practice, or compare practices, during their first year with Jones Day.

While in law school, Ariana worked in UCLA's Supreme Court Clinic. She is the recipient of several academic awards and was the 2023 winner of the national Eaton Award honoring excellence in constitutional scholarship.

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Publications Prior to Jones Day

The Constitutionality of Platform Content Moderation Bans from a Historical Perspective, NYU Journal of Law & Liberty, Vol. 17, No. 1

Real-Time Cellular-Level Imaging and Medical Treatment with a Swarm of Wireless Multifunctional Robots, coauthor, The Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 78, 1923