

Brisbane + 61.7.3085.7017

Zara Shafruddin's practice is focused on international arbitration and cross-border disputes. She has represented clients across a diverse range of industries (including oil and gas, electricity, mining, construction, and banking) and has advised on disputes arising under the ICC, SIAC, LCIA, DIAC, and UNCITRAL Rules of Arbitration. Zara also has advised clients on their rights and remedies under international investment agreements and on the enforcement of foreign arbitral awards under the New York Convention.

Since joining Jones Day, Zara has, among other things, advised an engineering and construction company in several disputes under the SIAC arbitration rules arising from the supply of engineering and procurement services to a mining project in Vietnam; a major U.S. oil company on their rights and remedies under international law and under several production sharing contracts with a Southeast Asian State; and a Samoa-based energy investment management company in an ICC arbitration arising out of a share sale and purchase agreement.

Prior to joining Jones Day, Zara practiced in the Sydney office of a top-tier Australian international law firm and a UK Magic Circle firm in Singapore.


  • Commonwealth Games entities successfully resolve dispute with State of VictoriaJones Day represented Commonwealth Games Australia Ltd and Commonwealth Games Federation Partnerships in relation to claims against the State of Victoria regarding the cancellation of the Victoria 2026 Commonwealth Games, announced in July 2023.
  • Chevron and MOECO agree to explore advanced closed loop geothermal pilot in Hokkaido, JapanJones Day advised Chevron New Energies on its agreement with Mitsui Oil Exploration Co., Ltd (MOECO) to proceed with the pilot testing of advanced geothermal technology, specifically advanced closed loop (ACL) technology.
  • Major pharmaceutical company arbitrates claims arising out of Chinese investmentsJones Day is representing a major pharmaceutical company in a Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre arbitration arising out of representations and warranties given in respect of the client's investment in a Chinese drug development company whose senior officers and consultants were subsequently prosecuted in the United States for misappropriation of another pharmaceutical company's trade secrets.
  • Australian engineering and construction company defends dispute relating to mining project in VietnamJones Day represented an Australian engineering and construction company against a subsidiary of a major Vietnamese company in a SIAC-seated arbitration concerning design and procurement services for a large mining project.
  • Australian engineering and construction company resolves ongoing dispute relating to a major construction projectJones Day advised an Australian subsidiary of a major U.S. engineering and construction company in multiple proceedings challenging an arbitral award and assisted the company in achieving a settlement.
  • HHI resolves claims relating to gas pipeline dispute in QatarJones Day lead the defense team on behalf of Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. ("HHI") in an ICC arbitration brought by Barzan Gas Company for damages in excess of US$8 billion arising from the construction of a subsea sour gas pipeline in the Barzan field in Qatar.
  • Samoa-based energy investment company prevails in multi-million dollar ICC arbitrationJones Day successfully represented a Samoa-based energy investment management and holding company in an ICC arbitration arising out of a share sale and purchase agreement.
  • Lundin SEA Holding sells upstream oil and gas interests in IndonesiaJones Day represented Lundin SEA Holding B.V. on the sale of certain upstream oil and gas interests in Indonesia to PT Medco Energy Internasional Tbk, including Lundin's interests in the Lematang, South Sokang and Cendrawasih VII oil and gas blocks.
  • Chevron sells companies holding Vietnam Block B offshore gas development project interests to Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (PetroVietnam)Jones Day advised Chevron Corporation affiliates on the sale of their shares in three Bermuda companies that held Chevron's interests in the Block B offshore gas development project in Vietnam.
  • Cyprus based investment holding company seeks to recover multi-million dollar amount under guarantee from its counterpartyJones Day is advising a Cyprus based investment holding company in its recovery of a multi-million dollar amount under an English law governed guarantee issued in connection with its investment into an Indian company in the hospitality industry.
  • U.S. based company disputes issues involving Chinese business acquisitionJones Day is representing a U.S. based company in a dispute arising under the representations and warranties given in respect of the acquisition of a Chinese business.
  • Major U.S. oil company seeks advice following adverse conduct by state-owned entity and local government in connection to its investmentJones Day is advising a major U.S. oil company on its rights and potential remedies under a bilateral investment treaty and several production sharing contracts with a Southeast Asian State.
  • Singapore investment holding company seeks to enforce Singapore court judgment in the British Virgin IslandsJones Day is advising a Singapore based investment holding company and its subsidiaries with respect to the recovery of a Singapore judgment debt in its favor against several British Virgin Islands entities.
  • Credit Suisse, PT Bahana Securities, PT Danareksa Sekuritas, and PT Mandiri Sekuritas complete block trade of shares in Perusahaan Perseroan PT Telekomunikasi IndonesiaJones Day represented Credit Suisse (Singapore) Limited, PT Bahana Securities, PT Danareksa Sekuritas, and PT Mandiri Sekuritas in a Regulation S block trade of 1,075,000,000 treasury shares in Perusahaan Perseroan (Persero) PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk, the largest telecommunication and network provider in Indonesia, at a total aggregate value of $214.6 million (a price per share of IDR 2,405).
  • Major U.S. oil company seeks advice on indictment of its joint venture entity in South KoreaJones Day is advising a major U.S. oil company in relation to the indictment of its joint venture entity and its employees by the South Korean Prosecutor's Office.
  • Engineering and construction company disputes services agreement involving mining project in VietnamJones Day is representing an engineering and construction company in a dispute arising from the supply of engineering and procurement services to a mining project in Vietnam.
  • Weitere Veröffentlichungen

    • May 2021
      Headnote: Inghams Enterprises Pty Ltd v Hannigan [2020] NSWCA 82, (2021) 36 BCL 361
    • February 2021
      "Witness-Gating: Arbitrator’s denial of witness evidence at hearing deemed breach of natural justice in Singapore" in ReSolution, Issue 27, NZDRC
    • September 2019
      "Investor-State Dispute Settlement between Developed Countries: Why One Size Does Not Fit All", American Review of International Arbitration
    • August 2018
      "Jurisdiction" chapter in "Arbitration in Singapore: A Practical Guide" L. Reed, F. Xavier and Y.L. Chong eds., 2nd Edition, Sweet & Maxwell
    • 2018
      "Privilege in International Arbitration" chapter in "40 Under 40 International Arbitration", C. Gonzalez-Bueno (ed.), Dykinson S.L. (hardcopy) & Kluwer Arbitration (online)
    • June 2016
      Case Analysis: Philip Morris Brands Sàrl and ors v Uruguay (Award, ICSID Case No ARB/10/7, IIC 844 (2016), World Bank, International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), Investment Claims (online), Oxford University Press
    • May 2016
      Inaugural YSIAC Club Event: The 2016 SIAC Rules Revision, YSIAC Newsletter, Issue 11
    • April 2015
      SIAC Annual Appreciation Event 2015, YSIAC Newsletter, Issue 1
    • September 2014
      "Jurisdiction" chapter in "Arbitration in Singapore: A Practical Guide" S. Menon and D. Brock eds., 1st Edition, Sweet & Maxwell

    • April 8, 2021
      SIAC Middle East Academy: Workshop on Drafting and Handling an Application for Expedited Procedure
    • March 21, 2021
      ArbitralWomen & CIArb Seminar: Humanising the Practice of Arbitration
    • February 3, 2021
      APAC Webinar - International Arbitration in 2020: A Year in Review
    • December 8, 2018
      ICC YAF Asia Regional Conference - Pathological Clauses in Arbitration Agreements: A primer on effective drafting of arbitration clauses