Connor Lang represents clients in complex civil litigation matters, including breach of warranty and contract actions, shareholder derivative actions, and securities class actions. He has drafted dispositive motions filed in federal and state courts, including the Delaware Court of Chancery.
Connor also has been involved in all phases of discovery, from pre-filing correspondence through expert preparation, with significant experience preparing senior executives for depositions.
Connor is a member of the Ohio State Bar Association and the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association.
- University of Michigan (J.D. cum laude 2020; Editor-in-Chief, Michigan Journal of Gender and Law); Xavier University (B.A. summa cum laude and Honors B.A. summa cum laude 2017; Phi Beta Kappa)
- Ohio and U.S. District Courts for the Northern and Southern Districts of Ohio and the Eastern District of Michigan
- Law Clerk to Judge Stephen J. Murphy III, U. S. District Court, Eastern District of Michigan (2021-2022)
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