Raymond Diggs concentrates his practice on the formation, structuring, and management of investment funds, including private equity and real estate funds. In addition, he represents institutional investors throughout the investment process. Raymond also has experience in mergers, acquisitions, venture capital, and other strategic transactions.
Prior to joining Jones Day in 2022, Raymond served on Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan's jobs and economic development team, where he advised on various matters, including economic policy, permitting, zoning, tax incentive, and infrastructure issues. At the start of his legal career, Raymond worked at a large, Detroit-based, law firm.
- New York University (J.D. 2018; Staff Editor, Journal of Law & Business; AnBryce Scholar; M.B.A. in Finance and Accounting 2018, Stern School of Business); Wayne State University (B.A. 2012)
- Michigan
- Senior Advisor, Office of Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan (2019-2022)
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