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Rajeev Muttreja focuses on appellate litigation, motions practice, and legal strategy in federal and state courts. He has argued before the U.S. Courts of Appeals for the Second, Third, Sixth, Seventh, and Ninth Circuits and has drafted briefs in the U.S. Supreme Court, many other appellate courts, and trial courts across the country. Rajeev has deep familiarity with the False Claims Act (FCA) and has worked extensively with Firm clients in the pharmaceutical and health care industries and in the financial markets across many contexts. He also has significant experience with issues of federal jurisdiction, class actions, securities law, administrative law, corporate governance, the 340B drug pricing program, ESG (environmental, social, and governance) regulation, RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act), the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), and many other areas of law.

In his work involving the FCA, Rajeev has played a leading role in the successful defense of cases involving the Anti-Kickback Statute, the Stark Law, off-label pharmaceutical marketing, alleged Medicare and Medicaid overbilling, and other alleged statutory or regulatory violations. Rajeev also helped draft the successful petition for certiorari and winning merits briefs in Goodyear Dunlop Tires Operations v. Brown, 131 S. Ct. 2846 (2011), which clarified the law of personal jurisdiction.

Rajeev maintains an active pro bono practice. He has worked extensively with the National Immigrant Justice Center and is a member of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit's pro bono panel.

Rajeev heads law clerk recruiting for the Firm's New York Office.


  • Drug manufacturer challenges state 340B drug pricing lawJones Day represents a drug manufacturer in litigation challenging a state law requiring manufacturers to deliver prescription drugs steeply discounted under the federal 340B program to commercial pharmacies whenever requested by the healthcare providers entitled to receive those discounts.
  • Celgene wins complete defense verdict in case filed by health insurer, Humana Inc., relating to off-label use of cancer medicationsOn March 2, 2023, Jones Day prevailed in a five-week jury trial on behalf of Celgene Corporation in a lawsuit brought by health insurance company Humana, Inc.
  • BMS challenges Inflation Reduction ActJones Day filed a complaint on behalf of a pharmaceutical manufacturer, Bristol Myers Squibb Company ("BMS"), challenging the constitutionality of the Inflation Reduction Act ("IRA").
  • Medical device company obtains dismissal with prejudice in False Claims Act qui tam actionJones Day successfully represented a medical device company in a government investigation by the United States Attorney's Office (C.D. Cal.) and the Department of Justice relating to alleged violations of the Anti-Kickback Statute ("AKS") and allegations of off-label promotion with respect to a medical device.
  • Port Authority defeats class action certification surrounding "Bridgegate" lane closuresJones Day is defending the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey in a putative class action lawsuit brought by both private and commercial commuters who assert that they suffered damages as a result of traffic approaching and surrounding the George Washington Bridge following the reassignment of certain local access lanes during September 2013.
  • Sanofi successfully challenges HHS enforcement of Section 340B drug pricing statuteJones Day successfully represented Sanofi in litigation challenging the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) enforcement action under Section 340B of the Public Health Service Act.
  • Drug manufacturer obtains dismissal of Section 340B administrative dispute resolution claimJones Day successfully represented a drug manufacturer in obtaining dismissal of an administrative dispute resolution (“ADR”) claim alleging that the manufacturer had overcharged certain "covered entities" eligible for discounted drug pricing under Section 340B of the Public Health Service Act.
  • Drug manufacturer intervenes in litigation to defend Section 340B drug pricingJones Day represents a drug manufacturer in litigation challenging its discounted drug pricing practices under Section 340B of the Public Health Service Act.
  • MEDHOST obtains dismissal of qui tam action relating to alleged false claims under HITECH ActJones Day obtained a dismissal on behalf of MEDHOST, Inc. (a developer of electronic health record ("EHR") software) in a qui tam False Claims Act action.
  • Chevron defeats ATA and ATS claims brought by 298 plaintiffs relating to terrorist attacks in IsraelChevron Corporation, represented by Jones Day, defeated claims under the Anti-Terrorism Act ("ATA") and Alien Tort Statute ("ATS") brought by 298 plaintiffs who sought to hold Chevron responsible for injuries sustained in terrorist attacks in Israel between November 2000 and April 2002.
  • Pharmaceutical company defends putative securities fraud class actionJones Day represents a pharmaceutical company, along with current and former officers, in a putative securities fraud class action arising from announcements the company made related to three different drugs in development or on the market, which the plaintiff claims together caused the company's stock to drop 40 percent.
  • Wells Fargo Securities and BNP Paribas obtain Second Circuit affirmation of summary judgment win in securities fraud suitJones Day defended Wells Fargo Securities, LLC, as successor to Wachovia Capital Markets LLC, and BNP Paribas, as successor to Fortis Securities LLC, who were involved in placing a CDO called Grand Avenue CDO II (Grand Avenue).
  • Prisoner revives claim seeking dietary accommodations for his religious beliefsJones Day obtained a ruling from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in favor of client DeAndre Williams that vacated the district court's grant of summary judgment against his claim under the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000 (RLUIPA).
  • Celgene resolves False Claims Act case related to alleged off-label promotion of Thalomid® and Revlimid®Jones Day represented Celgene Corporation in a False Claims Act lawsuit related to allegations that Celgene promoted the cancer treatment drugs Thalomid® and Revlimid® for off-label uses prior to their FDA approval for such uses, and paid kickbacks to physicians in order to get them to promote and prescribe those drugs.
  • Experian obtains Fourth Circuit dismissal of $10 million class action judgmentJones Day client Experian Information Solutions obtained a Fourth Circuit decision dismissing a $10 million class action judgment against Experian for lack of Article III standing.
  • Celgene prevails over Indian supplier in TRO/preliminary injunction hearing to prevent termination of supply agreementCelgene Corporation affiliate Abraxis Bioscience, Inc., represented by Jones Day, does not have to continue to supply pharmaceuticals to Indian distributor Biocon Limited in the face of evidence of continued product diversion, a district court judge ordered.
  • LabCorp obtains dismissal of qui tam action alleging violations of Anti-Kickback Statute and Medicare billing regulationOn behalf of Laboratory Corporation of America (LabCorp), a nationwide provider of health care diagnostic testing services, Jones Day successfully moved to dismiss a qui tam complaint filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York under the federal False Claims Act (FCA) and the FCA analogs in 14 states and the District of Columbia.
  • IBM resolves claims related to alleged exposure to toxic emissionsJones Day client International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) resolved numerous claims brought by hundreds of current and former residents of Endicott, NY alleging personal injuries, diminution in property values, and other damages related to alleged vapor intrusion and historic air emissions in the area from IBM's former manufacturing facility.
  • Several companies receive favorable U.S. Supreme Court ruling denying plaintiff's Oil-For-Food Program appealOn June 15, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court denied a petition for certiorari review filed by the Republic of Iraq in a $10 billion racketeering action against multiple defendants, including several Jones Day clients.
  • Reynolds American defends against shareholder lawsuit in North Carolina state courtJones Day is representing Reynolds American Inc. ("RAI") and its board of directors in a shareholder lawsuit in North Carolina state court arising out of RAI's acquisition of Lorillard.
    • April 25, 2023
      PLI's Appellate Advocacy 2023
    • June 22, 2022
      New York City Bar Association - New York Court of Appeals Roundup, 2021-2022 Term, moderator
    • April 26, 2022
      PLI's Appellate Advocacy 2022
    • April 29, 2021
      The Long Arm of the U.S.: The Reach of U.S. Courts Over Chinese Businesses, China General Chamber of Commerce - USA
    • April 27, 2021
      PLI's Appellate Advocacy 2021
    • April 28, 2020
      PLI's Appellate Advocacy 2020
    • April 30, 2019
      PLI's Appellate Advocacy 2019
    • April 19, 2018
      PLI's Appellate Advocacy 2018
    • October 19, 2016
      PLI's FIRREA: How the Government is Using the Act to Investigate and Prosecute Financial Institutions for Fraud